Clone wars S1E2

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We we meant to go on a mission to find out what the separatists are up to until master Windu contacts us in change of plans. Of course Anakin and Ahsoka we're there as well.

"All of our battle groups will be reassigned to guard our supply convoys, including yours Skywalker. I'm afraid we can't risk any more ships with a rescue mission."

"Wait!" Aksoka said "just because there haven't been any survivor before doesn't mean there won't be this time."

The council looked at each other as Palpatine said "boldly spoken for one so young"

"She is learning from Anakin and y/n" obi wan said

"Excuse my Padawan" Anakin glares at Ahsoka as he looks down "we will deploy as you instructed master" they hung up as Ahsoka starts to walk away but Anakin stops her "AHSOKA!"

She stops and turns to us "if anyone could survive, master plo could. I don't understand why—"

"What you don't understand is Jedi protoco or your place my young Padawan" The sore open as the admiral entered. "Admiral. We'll split up our ships to maximize our defence area Gamora will scout ahead for enemy activity"

"Isn't that risky, with the mystery weapon out there?" The admiral asks in concern.

"It might be," I answered "but I know you won't argue Anakins orders"

"Bring snips with you she might be at help for something" Anakin orders as I nod and Ahsoka and I head to a pod to go find survivors.

Of course we brought R2 with us "set those new coordinates, R2?" R2 beeps at us.

"Master y/n," Ahsoka said "I should tell you why I spoke up before." I knew she looks like she regretted it.

I looked at her direction "you don't have to explain anything." I told her put the ship on hyperdrive.

Once we got to a full stop at our destination Ahsoka orders to R2 to set up the scanner. "Modulate the incoming... mystery weapon"

I Did not like that "No, R2, tune the scanner for life forms highest sensitivity."

"Why would we scan life forms to spot an enemy weapo probably just filled with.... battle... droids. They abregado system" she stood up looking at the planet, and I look at her with a smirk. She looks back at me "so it's okay when you and master Skywalker don't follow what the council says"

"Doing what the Jedi council says, that's one thing, how we go about doing it, that's another. That's what Anakin is trying to teach you young Padawan." Explained to her.

" so you always meant to come out her for survivors?"

"Live are in danger, Ahsoka we can't just turn our backs on them."

"That's what I said back in the briefing room"

"I know, but they way you said it was wrong." I remind her as she nods "switch on the illuminator"

"We haven't got much time before the fleet misses us" she tells me pressing buttons for the scanner. She groaned "the scanners are practically useless. Got anyon the emergency channel R2?"

R2 beeps as it gets to work "now Ahsoka we might find something you don't want to find" I warned her.

"I know master y/n, but I have to believe"

"How do you know master polo anyway?"

"He's one of my oldest friends. It was master plo loon who found me and brought me to the temple where I belonged. Now he's lost, so I thought maybe I could find him." Wow she new him for a long time. I don't remember my oldest friend who found me at a young age nor that I ever will. "Incoming transmission. I think someone noticed we're gone"

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