Bad batch s1ep12

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I was walking on the ship to see omega trying to work on the gonk. I had to check it out to see what she's doings "what's going on here?" I asked.

"Gonkys prime power source won't fully charge I'm fixing it" she explained.

"You can't"  hunter told her walkingto us "he's a defective unit"

I heard tech call me as I went to the cockpit. "We are receiving an recorded transmission but I do not recognize this frequency." Tech explained.

"Patch it through" I order.

The holo showed the twileks girl from when we had a job with some twileks and the girl and omega became good friends she said the imperials got her parent and after her too. And giving us the coordinates to where she is.

"You have her our comm Chanel?" Hunter asked omega in concern.

"For emergencies," she said "and that sounded pretty urgent we have to go" I could tell she's worried about her new friend. I would too.

"Perhaps the situation is not as dire as described children often overreact especially women" tech said

"Tech" I said his name sternly while giving Him. The glare "I love you but shut up" he backed awa as I looked down at omega "let's go see your friend."

Once we head to RYLOTH we met up with the twilek girl Named Hera the one who called us for help.

We saw the twileks surrounded by the empire.

"The plasma bridge into the city's been deactivated" hunter said.

"I say we fly in and blow our way out" wrecker suggests.

"The caps told scanners would detect the ship" echo said.

"I don't like the look of this" tech said "the proop presences here is similar to that of raxus this is a military occupation"

"Ryloth a not a separatist planet"

"Exactly my point"

Then I started to sense something I looked to hunter who also senses it and noded to him letting him go attack something that's following us

He runs off and comes back with a probe droid.

"The empire will know we're here" hunter said.

"And so will Crosshair we gotta move"I said to them.

We headded back I felt bad for Hera she's scared and her parents are still taken.

"We're all over the imperials comm chapters" tech said walking out of the ship with heras droi. There increased patrols within the city."

Hunter looks at me "Crosshair wil expect an attack the element of surprise is gone there's nothing we can do"

"Wait you can't leave. I'll pay double" Hera said.

"All the money in the galaxy won't matter if we're dead what you're asking us to do it's not worth the risk."

"Not unless families are in danger" I said looking at hunter who was glaring at me "hunter, I'd do the same for you"

"Me too" omega said holding my hand.

Once Hera told us the plan to get in I already planned how we're gonna go in the capitol.

Hera and omega went together, tech and wrecker were back on the ship and hunter echo and I went to free heras parents.

We got them out to get them out of the capatol. We head to the door to open it.

"Wait" we turned to see a clone troope who was wearing a clone armour but it still has some colour. "Your walking into a trap. There's a squad out there waiting "

"why are you helping us.?" one of the twileks asked

"Because I'm on your side" he said "what the empire is doing is wrong. You have to get out of here. They have the exits blocked"

"We can used senator taas shuttle in his private tower hanger" heras mom said.

"Im sorry general" howzer said to change "I should've stopped sooner"

"Our fight for ryloth is not over we will return" Cham said.

" you can't stay here they'll know you helped us" Heras mom told him.

"I will not abandon my squad they're good men. I have to try to get through them. Go while there's still time" he said

We all left howzer to go to the ship

We head back to the ship after saying our goodbyes to the syndulla family.

I sat down and saw omega look down missing your friend.

Luckily I got some motherly advice from heras mom.

What lovely people they were hopefully we'll see them again.

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