Clone wars S4EP9

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I was in the Landing bay, Rex came and told us krells plan. Neither fives and myself agree with this.

"Those missles have 100-megaton yield. We won't even make it to the delta." Fives tells Rex.

"What can I do? I've tried to reason with him. Those are the orders." Rex responds.

"Great" I heard Jesse groan "another suicide mission. The capital is too well armed."

"Why does it seem like he has it out for clones? And commander wise she was there too." Tup says working in the ship.

"I think your all overreacting" dogma spoke "obviously, general krell knows what he's doing. Do you really think he doesn't care if he looses men?"

"No one is saying that" I told him with my arms crossed "but I do think his desire for victory has blinded him to the fact that there are lives at stake."

"What are you saying, y/n?" Fives asked me.

"I'm saying that for thousands of years I have never seen a general or a Jedi with these kids of casualties. I sense there's something going on with him. Something terrible." I explained

"He's out of control. He's not acting like ther other jedi." Fives spoke "he has no respect for us"

"Listen" Rex walks towards fives and I "I don't agree with him either, but I don't have a better plan."

I looked at the ship five, hard case and I used to stop the tanks "what about using the star fighters to destroy the supply ship" I suggested.

"Our fleet has been trying. The umbarans have it as protected as the capital" Rex tells me.

"but we've got their access codes and their own hardware" I replied.

"You were able to crack it"

"Mm-hmm" fives replies punching Jessie's arm "we can sneak right past them blockade,get where our ships can't." Rex gave it some thought what fives is saying."If we take out the supply ship, then we cut the arms off the capital"

I was invited to the clone bunk by fives. We a hung out for a while and talked about a lot of things.

"So," fives spoke "you and Rex, how long have you two been together" he leans in my shoulder.

"A while" I answered "we told each other our feelings and boom! We fell in love. Oh! And general skywalker new about us and seem very supportive of it."

The boys looked at each other then back at me. Then we looked to see Rex coming. "The assault on the capital will continue as planned" he tells us.

"So that's it?" Jessie asked "we just march into those misssles"

"Oh theres another option." Fives spoke "we go ahead With our plan and suffer the consequences."

"You will be court-martialed" Rex says sitting beside me. "If it were up to me or Gamora and we had the time and the training, we would say do it. But it's out of our hands and the truth is you are no pilots."

"Come on if hardcase can fly one of these things, we all can" Jesse tells him.

"Yeah, he wasn't really flying more like avoiding crashing" tup spoke. "We'll be blasting out of the sky before we get anywhere"

"Not if we're their fighters" I told them with a smirk "no ones gonna be shooting at us"

"Yeah thats my bestie " five shouts.

Jesse clears his throat "here comes dogma"

Dogma walks up to me "commander, what are you doing in here?"

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