Acolyte S1EP1

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I walked t down the halls after the news of indaras death I went to see my closest friends SOL who also knew her. He was teaching some younglings until lessons were done as he saw me.

"Y/n" he said.

I smiled "SOL my dear friend how lucky these younglings are to have such a compassionate teacher."

"I am the fortunate one. To be taught by them."

"I remember when we were that small. You were so shy"

He chucked "how could I be of service?"

"I come with news both of us were friend with Indara"

"I was sad to hear she came to a violent death."

"Vernestra told me we have a suspect in custody an old padawan of yours osha aniseya" he gives me a look of disbelief "I see Thave underestimated your attachment to her."

"OSHA was... she was a devoted padawan. I see no reason for her to kill indara"

"The evidence against her is strong"

"Indara and you and I saved her from a terrible fire on

"I remember"

"She saw us as protectors there must be some mistake" he frowns.

"I know" then I walked up to him "vernestra stated if it were to become public that a former Jedi killed one of our own..."

"Our political enemies could use it against us" he said.
"Discretion is important our justice swift an example made Despite your feelings for this girl, does I have your support in this endeavor?"

"Of course" he said "let master Vernestra know"

I nod and walked away from him i understood that he see here like his own and he knows attachment is forbidden to Jedi.but no matter what I will support him.

There was a mission going on and sol wants me to go along with him since I also knew osha.

"Thank your for allowing me to accompany you and I'm aware you have to bring your padawan with you." I said to him.

"It's not what I would've planned for jeckis first mission." SOL said

"She's ready"

"And maybe so but we need back up"
"Is it yord?" I asked.

SOL stops "what's wrong with yord?"

"Nothing he's.. yord"

We got to a ship to see yord shirtless and steaming his cloths.

"Master sol, master y/n" he said embarrassed as he bows "I thank you for choosing me for this mission I should have brought Osha in myself. I apologize for my error."

"We leave in five minutes" SOL said walking away.
I looked at the knight "yord. Put your clothes on." I said walking away from him and heading to the pilot seat. To fly off to find the girl.

We were in hyberspace when sol explains to jecki about osha and mentions about her twin sister.

"I didn't know osha was a twin" yord said me.

I looked at him "Mae. Is her sisters name. She's dead
SOL and I saw her die"

Then we got a track at carlacl as we head down and landed as we saw the crashed ship and we looked around to find her.SOL stops I walked up to him "are you okay?"

"Follow me" he said as we followed him to see where he was going until we finally found osha."OSHA" sol said.

"SOL, y/n" osha said "i didn't do it"

"Step away from the edge" i said.

"Please sol believe me" she was about to fall but SOL
used the force to save her "Mae is alive"

"I believe you." He said "you need to come with us"
Then we walks and telling the other Jedi to stand down
as we go.

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