Rebels S4Ep15

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During the battle of lothal I decided to turn myself I for thrawn just to keep everyone safe.

As I went in two stormtroopers array me and took me to see thrawn sitting in his office and he looks pleased.

"It was a wise decision for you to surrender." He said.

"I didn't have much choice" I replied.

"Oh nonsense. You could have chose to let the people die but Ezra bridger stoped that from happening, however," he Stands up "unlike Ezra you didn't have a choice to be a Jedi. Predictable. You follow a long history written by the Jedi, where they choose what they believe to be morally correct, instead of what is strategically sound." He made sound like the Jedis didn't deserve to live.

"And yet the Jedi have survived." I told him

"Hmm the Jedi once numbered in the thousands. What's led are a scattered frightened lot, mostly poorly trained children or beaten and in hiding like yourself." I glared at me "i understand you used to be a Jedi yourself right before you turned yourself into a machine I must admit the mysteries of the force are an egima to me. But for all those abilities, all the power. The Jedi lacked the vision for how to wield it"

"The force isn't a weapon, but you'll never understand that" I replied sternly.

"Oh I Dont have to" he said softly "it was not my intention to utterly destroy lothal,  but that is inevitable now." He walks to the wall of art that I assume he's been collecting "these are a few of the artifacts I've gathered from this world. I saved what I could. I have even taken some of Sabine wrens work." He looks back at me "She's quite talented or was quite talented"

"You think l you can take what you want, things you didn't make, didn't earn, things you don't even understand" I shouted in anger "you don't deserve to have this art or lothal"

"Who deserves what is irrelevant. What matters is who has power. But that is something the Jedi won't teach so I'll take your to someone who will."

Who gonna do what?

Thrawn takes me to an unknown room where I see a hologram of a person standing there not even looking at us.

"Emperor I have brought you y/n"

Emperor?! No it can't be. "Mu Dear girl, it's been a long time, now we finally see you again after all these years. That would be all grand admiral" then thrawn leaves as I kept on glaring at palpatine "I apologize for not being there in person, but governing the galaxy takes up much of my time"

I huffed  "I know who you are and and what you are"

"You misjudge me" he replies calmly "can you not see the opportunity that stands her before you?"

"I see part of the Jedi temple which you stole from Lothal."

"I had this portion of the temple moved here stone by stone for you. Forgive me I would have thought you would thank me for this effort?"

"Thank you?" I asked him in anger "thank you for destroying this temple? For imposing the people of lothal? For betraying the republic and the Jedi? For killing my best friend for knowing the truth?"

"My dear girl, the actions of your rebel friends require firm hand to ensure that there is order on lothal as for you clone friends, allow me to offer what might have been, and yet may be."

He moves aside as I walk through and look to see people not just people, clones.

"Hey lyric , where are you?" I heard a family voice of my friends.

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