Mandalorian S1 EP5

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So today we're we're just minding our own Business, travel to see if there's anywhere for us to go. The usual.Until someone tries to shoots us our day gets any better.

"Hand over the child" a flyer that shooting us tells us "I might let you live" he keeps on shooting us.

"Hold on" mando tells me I I held the child tightly.

"I can bring you in Warm or I can bring you in cold."

Did he just say mandos lines? I think it mando ticked when he stops the ship and goes backwards and aims at the guy and says. "That's my line" and shoots him.It was a relief that we had to get away from that but the power is fading. I checked on the screen and noticed were loosening fuel. and then everything shuts down and the kid starts to giggle. His first giggles co cute. "Restart power" mando tells me I got up whil carrying the chil and went to the switches and flipped them until the light are red.

"You should be good to go" I told him sitting back down.

Mandostarts flipping some switches until there was power. We noticed there was a planet and I start switching to radio to let them know we need assistance.

"This is mos eisley tower.we were tracking you, head for bay three-five over"

"Copy that" mando told them "locked in for three five"
Once we landed I put the child somewhere safe to sleep while we're gone. I turned to see Mando watching me put him to bed.

We opened the hatch to get out, but as it opens we saw three droids going to work until mando tried to shoot them. I shook my head in annoyance on what mando did.

"Hey!" We hear a woman say as she comes out of her shop "you damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it." She warns mando.

"Just keep them away from my ship." He tells her.

"Yeah? You think that's a good idea do ya? Let's look at your ship." She walks to the ship and bangs on it as it echos "Oof! "Look at that." She starts to scan "you got a lot of carbon scoring building up top. If I didn't know better I think you two were in a shootout. Special tool for that one. I am gonna have to rotate that" she scans "you got a fuel leak. look at it this is a mess. How did you get it to land? That's gonna set you back." She turned back to us

"We've got 500 Imperial credits." I showed her the credits.

She don't look pleased "That's all you got? Well, what do you guys think?" She looks to her droids as they communicate. "That should at least cover the hanger." She puts her hand on her hip.

"We'll get you you money" mando tells her.

"Hmm. I've heard that before."

"Just remember..."

"Yeah, no droids I heard ya. You don't have to tell me twice."

Then we walked away from her to find someone to find us a job to get money.It was a long walk for us until we found a bar that we entered and probably find something to help us find work.

I found a droid and walked up to it it might helped us "hey droid, my partner and I are hunters looking for some work."

"Unfortunately, the bounty guild no longer operates from tatoonie." It tells us

"We're not looking for guild work." Mando says

"I am afraid that does not improve your situation, at least by my calculation."

" think again Tin can" and unfamiliar said. Mando and I turned around a saw a dude with black hair, he has a pretty face. But he's not my type. "If you're looking for work,!have a seat my friends. Names toro, toro calican. Come on relax.." We looked at each other for a second then walked to the table toro is in and sat down. Toro pulled out a bounty puck and shows a woman with black hair. "Picked up this bounty puck before I left the mid rim. Dennis shand, an assassin. Heard she's been on the run ever since the new republic put all her employers in lockdown."

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