Mandalorian S1ep2

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Mando and I were walking with the baby back to the ship I looked at the child and smiled.

"So what do they want to do with it?" I asked mando

"I Don't know" he tells me. "I don't want to talk about it right now.

I ran up to him and stoped him from walking "I know you want to talk about this but I do." I told him trying not to get angry.

"Shh" Mando pushes me out of the way ant pull his gun out and I did too.

Then out of nowhere a group of mercenaries attacks us a blocked that persons blocks as I hit them until we kill each and every one of them all.
Later after we fought this thugs mando the child and myself sat somewhere to heal.

I grabbed the skin zapper for mandos arm he has a deep cut. " this might hurt a bit" I warned him as he nods.

Once I tried to help him mando started quietly groaning in pain. I hate to see him suffer like this. I stopped to let him breathe for a bit then I noticed the child was out of his floating ball thing. It raises his hand up as it close its eyes it looks like it was doing something. mando noticed to but he picked it up and put back in the floating ball.

I started working on his chest plate to make it function as mando watched Metz

We hear a coo we turned and saw the child out of its floating ball again. Mando sighed and this time I got up and put it in the ball. I looked at it and it looks at me I couldn't help but admire it until the lid for automatically closed.I turned to mando with his arm up and hand on the button.

"Was that nessasary?" I Asked him annoyed

"It was distracting you from what you were doing." Mando complains "I'm thinking you can't handle its cuteness"

I sag back to beside mando as I rolled my eyes "First of all, I can't help but love cute little things especially if their babies, second I don't know what it is about it that make this child special." I started lying Down on my side that I could face mando.

Mando lies beside on his back "special has always been an interesting word to say."

"I know but I think we'll find out soon. And" mando turns to me " thanks for bringing me on this trip. To be honest I did want to if you said no I had this begging routine planned out."

"You should get some rest we leave early tomorrow" Mando tells me and I nodded and I lay down the other side and slept.

In the morning mando the child and myself walked back to the ship but we heard something from the distance.
We looked and saw jawas stealing from mandos ship.

I don't know about mando but when he grapes his gun out I could tell he was pissed at them stealing his stuff.

We both ran to the garbage machine as mando shouts "stay with the kid" as he jumps on the things and climbs up trying to avoid the jawas trying to kill him. I couldn't see what happened until I saw him fall off and landed on the ground unconscious.

I stopped running and saw mando not moving. I looked at the baby who looked worried then I ran up to mando and lightly shook him and until he moved. He slowly sits up and looks at me.

"Luckily the ground was soft or you'd be dead." I Told him as I helped him up.

We walked back to the ship we checked everywhere on the ship and everything is gone mando opens hi weapons closet he grunts in frustration.

I sat in the pilot to check if it's still good for flying so for it's not the engines won't work without it's part.

I climbed down and turned to mando as I shook my head no. He just sighed deeply and leaned on the wall and I leaned beside him.

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