Clone wars S2EP5

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We are speaking to the council about what we're planning to do next to capture poggle. "Our ships are in position,and we are ready to begin our campaign against the genosians" obiwan explains.

"And what about poggle. Any report of his location?" Windu asked.

"It seemed he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here" Obiwan. Points at the red mark "the factory is protected by a sheild generator. Anakin ki-Adi ans I shall attempt a three-pronged attack through their defence lines to a staging area just short of the sheild. Once we have landed, we shall knock out the sheild generator. That is our primary target"

"Isn't risky committing three generals to one are of the attackers" senator palpatine asked "if something went wrong, we could be dealt with serious blow"

"To ensure that rise again geonosis does not, capture poggle we must. Yoda tells the chancellor

"Of course. As always, I shall have the strategy to you master Jedi"

"May the force be with you" widu tells us as they council hangs up as three troopers walks towards us.

"Good Cody, these are the coordinates for the rendezvous" Obiwan shows cody the location.

"yes sir when we hit the ground, we'll create a perimeter there getting pass the defences here will do the trick" Cody explains "General mundi will come across the defensive lines from the north we will make our assault in the middle. General skywalker will make his attack on the defend lines form the south, and we will meet at the rendezvous point at 0700 exactly"

"If we meet with strong resistance and are forced down away from the landing zone, hold out until we join our forces before attacking the sheild generator" ki- Adi tells them.

"Their front lines are heavily fortified" I told them looking at the picture of a wall "look at the giant wall with all the gun emplacements that won't be easy to get past"

"Don't worry we're not going anywhere near that" anakin tells me.

"Come now, what happened to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?" Obiwan asked him

"Don't worry about us. You just make sure you get yourself to that Landing zone in one peice"

"Yes. I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive"

"Gentlemen if you are quite finished, we have a battle to begin" master luminara says to them.

"Quite Right. Cody prep the gunship. I'll meet you in the hangar."

We are in the landing bay as anakin,Ashoka get in the ships to fight.

"We're all ready rex?" Anakin asked

"Yes sir.general kenobi is already underway"

"Well he's got a head start. We'll have to catch up.

We started flying to the planet as we noticed that they started fireing at us. As the ship shakes and lands.

I struggled to get up as anakin said "come on get up we have to keep moving."

We get out as I summoned my lightsaber and started fighting them. As I was fighting I relived Rex was being me.

"Rex," I call his name "what's the word? Can obiwan sennd support or not?" I jumped beside him.

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