Acolyte S1 EP2

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Back on the ship we went to give the report to master Vernestra and told her about Mae.

"Twins? OSHA has a twin sister?" Vernestra asked.

"Her name was Mae" I said "She was presumed dead 16 years ago"

"But I believed she is responsible for indaras murder"
SOL said.

"I'm inclined to agree there's been another incident A suspect matching Osha's description broke into a local
Jedi temple."

"Where?" I asked

"Olega. She could hardly be in your custody and committing another crime at the same time"

Sol and I looked at each other then back to Vernestra holo "Would you like us to investigate or bring Osha back to Coruscant?"

"Go investigate take osha with you she could be an asset"

We hung up and told everyone we're going to olega yord was not convince until we told him the Jedi agreed with us.

Later I was just having a snack when I saw osha and sol her former master talking when we head up on olega and talked to some Jedi when we got in I followed osha and saw a Jedi was dead.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

OSHA looks at me "he's been poisioned"

And some Jedi came and questioned us "she didn't do it" we turned to see yord behind us "my sights were on her the entire time i followed when they broke off. This master was dead when we arrived"

"Thank you yord" osha said.

"Mater there are no signs of struggle" jecki said.

"He took this position willingly" sol said.

"Why would master torbin kill himself?" A Jedi asked.
"This is bunta" osha said "from my home planet

"Bunta is a poison my sister and I were taught to use it in hunting its its distilled its effects don't last very long so it had to come from nearby" osha explains. "Is this the only apothecary in town?"

"It is but.that's not our regular guy" an olega padawan said.

"Was he alone?" Yord asked.

"I've seen no signs of me" jecki said.

"Any suggestions?" SOL asked.

"We secure the perimeter Jecki stays on lookout, and I will confront this imposter.Stun him, if need be, then we bring him back to the ship for questioning." Yord said.

"Or we skip that and she just talks to him." Jecki points at osha "If he's Mae's accomplice, we can send her in, she can talk to him. We can record and monitor the conversation That way, we have a lead on Mae, ‹ plus we also get a confession from him. Seem like the most logical way"

That's actually not a bad plan osha agrees as well as everyone else as sh gets ready to go down "be careful" I told her as she nods as she goes down.

They talk for a little while when he starts to find out and we listen the conversation as we go down we got a confession on him the Mae wants revenge on four Jedi and she'll be back tonight.

SOL asked osha and I to follow Him on what's to come next.

Later at night i decide to confront Mae alone when I see her waking "Mae" she turns to me with a shocking look in her eyes "you survived. You killed indara and torbin. "She throws her weapon and starts to attack but I blocked her every movies. "You attack me Without a weapon. Why?"She attacks me again but I block her every moves she went to get her daggers but I showed her they were in my hands "you have misunderstood the Jedi arts your master had failed you tell me who trained you?" Then I continued fighting her when I used the force to stop her "I see your master has taken great pains to hide his identity. Even from you. You couldn't tell me who he is even if you wanted to."
"Get out of my head Jedi" Mae said backing up from me "even after all this time, your thoughts still go to your sister."

"My sister is dead" she said.

"OSHA is alive"

"You lie" she went to attack but yord uses the force to stop her and take her weapon.

"She speaks the truth. OSHA lives" yord said.

Mae looks at me before running away. And sol runs up to me "you all right?"

"I'm fine sol"

Later back on the ship we contacted Vernestra and she's not pleased at the moment.

"I have concened a small council to discuss the next steps we are awaiting your arrival"

"With respect" SOL said "we don't have time for talks master Vernestra"

"Our problem has changed. Your old Padawan going rogue was one thing but now a trained outsider is responsible we need to strategize"

"But we know where she's going next. We must move--"

"We don't make decisions like this without meaningful discussion, we will see you soon"

She hangs up and I looked at sol who was frowning I put my hand on his Shoulder don't worry we'll find her

He touched my hand and looks at me "she could have hurt you"

I nod "I know but you know I'm tough" Whatever comes next we will be prepared for it.

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