Mandalorian S1EP6

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Mando lands on a some sort of space port thing that he said his old friend ran owns and they need him for a job. We don't know what kind of job but we'll find out soon.

Once we go off the ship, we started to walk slowly as we got people staring at us.

"Mando" we face a man with long grey hair his beard was long too he looks happy to see mando. "Is that you under that bucket?" He puts out his hand for mando to shake.

"Ran" Mando says as he shakes his hand.

"I didn't really know if I'd see you in these parts again good to see you." Ran turns to me and smiled "and you must be y/n " he grabs my hand and kisses it then let's go "mando has told me a lot about you." I looked to Mando as he quickly faces away from us and Back to facing ran as he blushed "he mentioned you were a cyborg And damn your eyes look as beautiful as green stardust flying through the air."

"I'm thank you" was all I said

Ran faces mando as we all walked "You know, to be honest I was a little suprised when you reached out to me. You know, cause I... I hear things. Like maybe things between you and the guild aren't working out."

"I'll be fine" mando tells him.

"Okay. Well, you know the policy. No question." Rand looks to me and puts his arm around me "and you, you're welcome back anytime." And we continue to walk.

I was getting curious on what sort of job he wants us to do. "So, what's the job?" I asked ran.

"One of our assault ran afoul of come competitors and got himself caught. So I'm putting together a crew to spring him. It's a. Six person job. I got four. All I need is a ride and you brought it." He pointed at mandos ship.

"The ship wasn't part of the deal" mando said in concern.

"The crest is the only reason I let you back in here." We both look at ran and he looked confused "what's the look?" He walks up to mando "is that gratitude?" He chuckled "I think it is." Then he walks off.

Mando stares at his ship for a second and I walked up to mando and put my hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

" I'm fine" he said then he walks off and I followed him.

We both caught up to ran as we see him take us to a guy working on stuff.

"Hey mayfeld"

"Yeah?" He stops doing his work and looks at us.

"This mando, the guy I was telling you about we used to do jobs way back when."

"This is the guy" he looks at mando.

"Yeah we were all young, trying to make a name for ourselves. Yeah but running with a mandolorian, that was... that brought us some reputation.

"Yeah? What did he get out of it?"

Ran chuckled "I asked him that one time . You remember what you said mando?"he looks at mando who didn't answer but ran looks at his friend "target practice." He laughed out loud

"Im not suprised that you did lots of crazy stuff" I told mando

Mando looks at me "that was a long time ago".

Mayfeld looks at me like he's impressed or something "and who's the babe?"

"his partner Azteca she was his engineer before she tagged along the journey with him now she's a fighter."

"Not bad, but she looks like the type to play nice to others."

Oh no he didn't "and maybe you shouldn't play a game you can't win at. Once I grab my blaster out. *bang* that's how I play nice."

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