Rebels S3Ep6

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The crew and I were on a mission led by Rex himself. Ezra and I get to go with him. Oh, and we're bringing Zeb and chopper along too. We see a old separatists ship on a planet, I admit just looking at it brings out bad memories. But it's not the time to properly think about it.

"there was a battle here during the clone war. This old transports the perfect place to find weapon, Ammo, maybe even some proton bombs."

I noticed Ezra picking up a head of a droid "dad, was this a separatists battle droid?"

"Oh yeah. Little price of one anyway. This place use to be crawling with them. We called 'em clankers"

"Clankers" Zeb chuckles "I like that. How many of these things you think you blasted?"

"I don't know thousands" Rex said "probably tens of thousands. Never kept count like some of the boys."

"They don't look very dangerous"Ezra  said sarcastically as she throws the droid dead.

Rex turns to face him "listen, those droids wiped out a lot of republic troopers many of them were my friends. And you don't want to know how many times i almost lost your mother." Rex walks away.

I sighed "he's been through a lot. Battles, leaves scares, some you can't see"

We ran to catch up with rex "hold up." He stops us "let me recon first" he goes up and he signaled us to up as we looked at something "we hit pay dirt.the munitions depot is fully loaded. More proton bombs in there we can carry."

"Good Job" Rex is said putting my hand on. His shoulder.

"Way to go, rex " Ezra cheers softly as she goes to it first and we follow.

"Hey, carful, Ezra " Rex said to him "the droids used to protect their armouries with Ray sheilds."

"What's a Ray sheil...." he  couldn't finish as the Ray sheil ms surrounds us.

"This is a Ray sheild" i told him as battle droids came to us.

"I thought they were all shut down!"Ezra exclaimed.

"Well, these weren't." Zeb replies

"You have been captured by the separatist alliance!" One of the droids said.

"Huh?" Separatists?" Rex exclaimed.

"Prepare to blast the republic invaders."

"Republic invaders?" I asked.

"Wait, we have new orders" the droids said "incapacitate and capture activating stunner"Next thing  I knew is I blacked out.

I woke up, I groaned with my head aching and I looked up and saw droids everywhere.

I looked to see Jaylah and Rex waking up but Rex sounds like he's in the clone wars again "the war it's not over"

"Rex, Rex" I called his name and he calls me a name like I'm someone else "talk to me" i said.

"Ah, y/n . I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." He wispered

"I need you here now, hun. We're in a usual mess the commander's a super tactical droid"

"Is that bad?" Jaylah asked.

"It's really bad." Rex explains to her "that droids extremely intelligent."

"Near the end of the war. Separatists droids significantly outnumbered republic units." The tactical droid said "by my calculations our probability of being defeated was only 23.6%"

"After clone order 66, the whole droid army was given a shutdowns command" Rex explains "how are you even operating?"

"The Jedi betrayal ended the war for most of the galaxy but here on agamar I assumed it was a republic trick and prevented the shutdown command" the droids explains.

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