Clone wars S1EP16

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Today obi wan. Anakin and Myself were planing an ambush for the The separatists to defend to star system. As always I'm with anakin in this hell of a mission I am his partner after all. But in serious not he suggests that I stay with him.

"Anakin, y/n, how are you doing over there?" Oniwan asks in the comms.

"We're set" anakin said.

"We've got some guys here that are anxious to get going" I added

"Glad to hear it."

We hang up looking at obi wand view th en look at what's going on outside.

"What do you think will happen?" I Asked anakin

"I Don't know maybe somebody might rescue if you get kidnapped" anakin jokes.

I glared at him and put my hand up "raise your hand if you never got kidnapped by count dooku!" I said as Rex and the other clones raised their hands except for anakin.

Anakin huffs "touchè" I looked to the building next to us and saw gunfire as anakin tuns to see it too. "Obi wan, what's going on?"

"We're cut off. The droids are onto us" obi wan responds as we hear blasting.

"Gunship come in" I said contacting hawk "hawk, we need an evac in the south tower"

"Roger that sir we're coming"

"South tower?" Rex asked me in confusion "were in the north"

"Not for long" I told him as I summon my light saber and marked an X on the window and pushed the glass by using the force. "Rex, Fire your cable" I ordered as Rex orders his men to fire the cables.

Once they were ready we started to slide across the cables, then there was blasting from the distance I blocked everyone use my lightsaber.and once I was close to the glass I kicked it open.

Anakin and I fought every droid all the way to obiwan as he noticed us. "How did you two get over here?"

"We improvised" anakin answers as more droids kept on coming.

We had no choice but to run and find a clear spot until we head to the roof as more droids came as we fought them off. We saw our ship coming to us as we got on it.

I noticed on of the troopers grab a tactical droids head as he came to the ship and gave it to Rex as we leave.

Rex looks at it "maybe this tactical droid will tell us how they knew our plan."

We got to the base, anakin obi wan on our way to see Rex and Cody.

once we entered Rex said "blast!" In frustration.

"Welol, at least we're not the only ones having a bad day" i joked

"Generals, commander" Cody said "they had all our intel"

"That would explain the ambush." Anakin crowded his arms "how could we have left ourselves so vulnerable to a security breach?"

"I don't think we did" obi wan responds turning to face us from the screen.

I raised a brow "you think someone infiltrated our defences?" I asked.

"Possibly" obi wan answers " it would have to be someone cunning and resorceful enough to gain access to all our plans."

"But that's still wouldn't explain how they got our intel" anakin says uncrossing his arms.

"No. Your right. They wouldn't act alone. They'd have someone working with them."

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