Ashoka S1 EP1

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Ahsoka and I headed to an ancient place where we found a mysterious golden sphere when we got out there were some droid goon and we fought them off and ran to the ship as they started to self destruct we call huyang to pick us pus before it exploded.

Huyang once help younglings make their lightsabers including mine and ahsokas back when the order was around so we brought him along for an adventure.

"Good thing I arrived when I did" he said.

"About that" AHSOKA spoke "where were you?"

"I was jerking the ship at a safe distance"

i sighed "if you didn't keep at such a safe distance, maybe wouldn't have lost communication"

"I am just follow standard Jedi mission protocol" he said.

Ahsoka and I looked at each other before looking back at him "Huyang the order doesn't exist anymore" AHSOKA said sitting down.

"None the less I have my programming"

"Next time stay close watch our back." I told him.

"That's is the job of a Jedi padawan learner which I am not"

"Anyway we found it" AHSOKA said.

"The map?" Huyang asked.

Ahsoka pulls it out of her pocket "right where Morgan said it would be."

"Now did you get her to tell her the truth"

"Let's just say we didn't follow Jedi standard protocols" i said.

"Fulcrum, this is home one do you copy over?" We heard someone say on the comm.

"Come in home one this is fulcrum over" Huyang said to them in the comm.

"Copy, incoming transmission, priority one, there's been an incident"

We got to where we headed and saw the ship there looking destroyed . Ahsoka contacts them to let us on board.

Once we landed walked off and saw a familiar twilek walking up to us.

"General syndulla, it's good to see you" i said.

"And you both" she said " I wish it were Under more pleasant circumstances. I'm afraid we lost your prisoner I've prepared a briefing to get you caught up"

"Just like old times" Ahsoka said.

"Unfortunately" Hera said.

We got to the bridge as Hera shows us hologram of two unfamiliar figures "they took out an entire security detail and scuttle on our our new starships who are they?"

"We don't know" AHSOKA said.

"They seem to have abilities like both of you." Hera said.

"These days only few who can weild the force." I said.

"Perhaps one of them was once a Jedi" Huyang said.

I noded in that possibility "Huyang make a copy of this recording and run a match on their lightsabers."

"What's their connection to Morgan elsbeth?" Hera asked.

"We have known her to hire mercenaries in the past" AHSOKA said.

"We'll the investment paid off. They vanished without a trace."

"The day isn't a total loss" i showed her the map.

"Star map?" Hera asked.

"Not just any star map this one holds the secret Morgan's after"

"Which is?"

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