Ashoka S1 EP4

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We have been trying to get the ship working for a while.

I was outside thinking about thrawn I heard footsteps knowing it's Sabine "comms are still down and the primary powe converter is offline. We can't send a distress signal and our ship isn't going anywhere"

"Huyang said their ground isn't far star there" i told her.

"Sounds good" she was gonna was gonna walk away but stoped herself "i sense you're stressed."

"The enemy has the map and the means to get where they want to go. I fear we face a difficult choice."

"Which is?"

I turned around to face her "if we can't make the journey to find Ezra... then no one should"

"It won't come to that" she said.

"It might have already"

"He'd be stranded out there maybe this time for good"

"Better that than allowing thrawns return as heir to the empire"

She sighed "try telling Sabine that she cares about him as much as I do but til then let's find that ground base"

"Sabine, can I count on you?"

"You know you can" she turns and goes in the ship.

Huyang comes down and looks at me "is everything all rights"

I sensed something was going on "be careful out here" I told him. Before going in the ship.

After a while the ships hydro went out.

"That daft droid made it worse" Sabine said.

"He wouldn't" AHSOKA said going outside as we followed to see a bunch of good fighting us.

Once we defeated them we looked to see Huyang getting up "well, that will set me back a bit.

"Priority the transmitter above everything else" i said "I need you to contact general syndulla as soon as you can"

We all go to leave then we see two force users there.

"Going somewhere?" One of them asked.

"go to the ground we will take care of them"Sabine said

I noded "be careful all of you"  I ran and ran fast to find the place and a person there must be Baylan.

"Anakin spoke highly of you" he said not looking at me.

"Interesting" i said he "never mentioned you"

He took off his cloak and looks at me "everyone in the order knew anakin skywalker few would live to see what he became. Surly that must've leave a mark. Must've hurt you"

"I'm not here to discuss my past"

"The only reason I'm here is to secure the future."

"For you?"

"Something far greater"



"And you find starting another war necessary?"

"I'm not starting a war. But thrawn will. It is an unfortunate evil but speaks to a greater truth. One must destroy in order to create." I took out my lightsaber as he did his "how inevitable."Then we summoned our lightsabers and started fighting for a while until I took him out a took the sphere out as it shuts down but I screamed on how much it burns. "That waS unwise" he said attacking me but I kept on blocking him.

Then I notice bay land apprentice was back "AHSOKA, Sabine" i said as I used the force to knock the apprentice out.

Then Baylan attacks me and puts me to the edge "it didn't need to come to this. But you know no other way."

"Stop" I heard a familiar voice we looked to see Jaylah, AHSOKA and Sabine who was holding the sphere.

"Destroy it!" I shouted as all the sudden Baylan pushed me to a cliff as I blacked out.

I woke up to see I'm in a place that I haven't been in since...

"Hello!" I heard a familiar voice "i didn't expect to see you so soon"

I slowly turned around and saw a face that I knew someone I cared about.


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