Obiwan kenobi S1EP3

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Later while still on a ship waiting to go to the next planet  LEIA was sitting alone as I walked up to Obiwan wo was fixing leias droid and sat in front of him. I was upset that he knew something I didn't.

"You should have told me." I said. "You told me Anakin was killed by vader not turned to the dark side

Obiwan sighed "anakin was seduced by the dark side of the force ceased to be who he was and became darth vader. When that happened a great Jedi who was our friend was destroyed. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view"

"Form a certain point of view?" I asked in confusion.

"Y/n, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. anakin has a good friend to both of us. When I first knew him before you did, he was already a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the force was with him. I took it upon myself and and have  him as my padawan. I thought I  would instruct him as My master did with me. I was wrong."

"Do you think there's still good in him?"

"he's more machine now then man, Twisted an evil"

I sighed at him knowing that he lost his way a long time ago. I put my hand on his shoulder to make him look at me. "Obiwan I think there's good in him you might not see it but I do. There's still hope"

"Are we almost there" we turned to see LEIA asking us "can't you make this thing go faster?"

"It's a read route LEIA we're not in control of it" I said to her.

"Can you use the force or something?

"That's not how it works" said Obiwan.

"How does it work the force what does it feel like"

" have you ever been afraid of the dark" I asked leia nods "how does it feel when you turn on the light?"

"I feel safe" she said.

"Yes it feels like that" Obiwan said as giving her the droid that he fixed.

Then we landed on the planet while walking on the road.

"Where are we?"leia asked.

"Mapuzo" OBIWAN answered "it's a mining system"

Then a little thing comes and it reveals a creature and his name is freck as he i troduxed himself. And was nice enough to take us.

Then we got to a blocking place as imperial suit arrive one was wearing a suit and to my surprise shot at the stormtroopers.

Then she takes us to a place where we might get out.

"What is this place" Obiwan asked the woman.

"We have a safe house like this throughout the galaxy trying to link the systems some call it the path you two are not the first Jedis to come through here. It all leads to Janine from there we give them new identities and get them out there's a lot of good people risking their lives out there not all we're Jedi these days the empire hunts anyone force sensitive even children"

I looked at the wall it shows familiar writing "Obiwan quinlan was here"

"He helps now and again smuggling younglings" the woman said.

"What does it say?" asked LEIA.

"Only when the eyes are closer can you truly see" I  read.

"See what?"

"The way"

Then we heard a knock as we looked behind the wall to see imperial and contacted her friends while changing "someone must've seen us we're Moving up the timeline"

"Why do you do this?" Obiwan asked "risk everything"

"I joined when the empire stood for something by the time I realized they really were it was too late I made some mistakes I'm tala" she Introduced herself before trying to take us somewhere I began to sense something and Obiwan could feel it too.

Obiwan decided to distract the Sith as tala and I ran with LEIA when I sensed Obiwan hurt.

I crouched down to leias level. "I'll be back "

Then I went to find Obiwan burnt. We need to get him somewhere to heal.

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