Clone wars S1EP14

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Later this morning after wag too headed anakin he healed Rex and I as well. He told me my leg is fine I just sprained it nothing personal and I can still walk.

I was Sitting beside Rex watching the people doing work and the young ones were playing. I never played before even as a child, and before I bacame a Jedi. Jedis don't play.

I heard something from the distance I stood up "do you hear that?" I aske rex as she checks his binoculars (whatever the hell you call them) to check on what's out there.

He turned on his comm and contacts a trooper "commander Bly we have company"

"Friendlies" he asked

"Negative sir. A droid ship coming straight our way"

"Acknowledged get back here" bly orderd

Rex got out of the comes as he runs to the others just I began to run I forgot that my ankle sprained which was hard for me to run as I hissed in pain.

Rex came back for me, he knows my leg hurts still so he helps me keep my balance.

We went to the others we saw Aayla and bly helpings anakin up fife support. Then we began to find somewhere to hide.

We watched the separatists walking with the chief as they looked around the village, I can't hear what they're saying all I know is that they started to destroy the village for no reason at all.

"Can't we do anything?" Ahsoka asked wanting to help the villagers.

"No," Aayla answers "and if we are discovered, all of the Lurmen will be slaughtered."

"We'll be okay, if we make it to the tall grasses." I said looking at the grad and we all go through it  Until we were safe.

"I can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight" Rex scoffs  as he sets me  down on the ground"no pride I guess."

"I call it no courage" I told them.

"Exactly" Ashoka agrees.

"Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs as any Jedi we'll knows" Aayla tells us.

"We need to find a ship" anakin said "and I think the only one around here belongs to the separatists."

I nodded " yes, and We know they have a landing ship they might have a shuttle"

"Sir, are you talking about stealing from one of the clankers? Count me in" Rex says in excitement I smirked at his approval.

"We need to find them first" Aayla says.

I started eating my food as I noiticed a red light close to us "I think we just did" I pointed at one which started to float and the troopers Ashoka at it but the droids flew away and we started to chase it.

It took us a while to find that thing, we even had to split up just to look for it. My leg was still In pain so I had to search it myself until it can to me, I summoned my lightsaber and sliced it dead. The others ran up to me and saw what I did.

"I wonder where it was headed" Ashoka said looking at it.

"Maybe we can see them from up there." Aayla points at the big tree.

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