Clone wars S4EP10

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They set them up  as dogma walks up to us "Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" He asked. No one answered "I'll take that as a no"

"I hope you can live with yourself, dogma" fives wispered in anger.

"Ready weapons" they ready their weapons.

"Never thoughts we'd go out this way" Jesse says loosing all hope

"Aim" they aimed.

I sighed someone has to says this "wait this is wrong, and we all know it." I told them "the General is making a mistake, and he needs to be called on it. No one not even clones should have to go out this way! You are all loyal soilders, you follow order, but you are not a bunch of unthinking droids! You are men, you must be trusted to make the right decisions, especially when the orders you are giving are wrong"


I close my eyes getting ready for my finale I heard blast but nothing happened. I open and realize I'm still alive and so is fives and Jesse. The boy drop their weapons. As they took off our cuffs.

Fives looks at me and gives me a big hug and I hugged him back. I looked to Jesse as he just stands there awkwardly but I walked up to him and hugged him. We was stiff but he relaxed and hugged me.
Later after that We have been locked up for a while. So far fives been telling us lots of funny jokes to cheer us up. Well mostly me Jesse almost punched fives in annoyance.

Then we looked to se Rex as he opens the cell and lets us out. He gives fives and Jesse guns. And then he gave me my lighter. I smiled at him as I summoned it. Time to kick some krell butt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We went to the bridge as I see krell looking out the window doing nothing as the troopers surround him.

"Master krell, you're being relived ofduty." I said to him.

Krell turns to face me "it's treason then." He says calmly.

Rex pull his gun out "surrender, General"

He walks towards us " you're committing mutiny."

Explain your actions "I told him

"My actions?" He asked in confusion.

"For ordering your troops against one another." Rex tells him. In half anger

"Oh that I'm suprised you were able to figure that out for a clone."

"He's not just a clone" I walked up to krell "he's a soilder, they all are. So surrender"

Krell chuckled "and what are you gonna do y/n? Kill me?"

I took out two of my lightsaber "I will do anything without question"

He laughs " I will not be undermined by a half droid  and a bunch a science experiments" he jumps out the window. It's a long way down.

I looked to the troopers "He's heading to the forest, I'll go after him, stun him whenever I'm five feet apart from him."

"Yes sir" they all said.

Rex's walks up to me "be careful"

I nodded as I jumped out the window. But I landed fine as I ran to find him in the forest. So far he's nowhere to be around.

The I him when I turned and he swims his lightsaber but I blocked him with both my sabers.

We fought with every force we have, he used all his pushes me to the ground. He swings at me again until I blocked him.

"Why sacrifice your life for some worthless clones?" He asked me.

I slowly got up while blocking his saber "These men are something you don't have. They are family to me." I used my force to push him to a tree as I saw someone stun him until he's unconscious.The troopers ran up to krell and cuffed him.

Later the troopers and myself are about to visit krell in his cell for question . I looked to see dogma Whois in his cell looking very ashamed for what he did.

"Why? Why kill your own men?" Red asked him in a stern tone.

Krell chuckles while standing up "because I can, because you fell for it, because you're inferior."

I walked up to him in half anger "But you're a Jedi how could you?"

"A Jedi?" Krell laughs "I am no longer naive enough to be a Jedi. A new power is rising I'be foreseen it. The Jedi are going to lose this war and the republic will be ripped apart from the inside. In its place is going to rise a new order, and I will rule part of it"

"You're a separatist"  I said in a wisper.

"I serve no one's side, only my own, and soon my new master."

"You're an agent of dooku" Rex says.

"Not yet." Krell replies.

"But when I get out of here, I will be will be. After I've succeeded in driving the republic from umbara, the count will reward my actions and make me his new apprentice."

"How could you do this?" We turned to see dogma who looked upset about what he's hearing "you had my trust, my loyalty. I followed all your orders, and you made me kill my brothers."

Krell laughs at him "that's because you were the biggest fool of them all, dogma. I counted on blind loyalty like yours to make my plan succeed."

"That will never happen" I told him "you're a traitor, krell, not just to the republic but to the Jedi as well. And you will be dealt with as one."

"You never learn, y/n. The umbarans are going to retake this space,and when they do, I will be free"

We got out to get some fresh air. I didn't like the idea of krell escaping. If he does, he'll kill us all anyway.

"Commander, we've repaired the transmitter. A trooper says walking towards us. "It looks like it was sabatoged. We received a message from Jedi kenobi. His forces have captured the capital, but the remaining forces are heading here."

"Get everyone on the perimeter. We need to prepare a full-scale attack." I order him as he saluted.

"Krell sabotaged the transmitter, he's been against us from the  beginning" Rex tells us.

"If the umbarans get to him, he'll turn over all our intel—- the defence codes, everything." Fives said "he'll strike a crippling blow to the republic."

"Something has to be done." Said Jesse "We can't risk the possibility that he might escape."

"As long as krells alive, he is a threat to every one of us."

I sighed "I agree. I know what I have to do. Tup, hand meyour gun"

The boys looked at me suprised but tup gives me this gun

"are you seriously thinking of killing him?" I hear fives ask

"Without question"

We head back to the cell, fives takes dogma. I looked at krell with half the Anger my face for what he's done. He has to pay.

"Turn around. Step towards the wall" I told him as he turns. "On your knees"

Krell chuckles "your in a position of power now. How does it feel?" He asked me in concern.

"I said 'on your knees'" I point the gun at krell as he goes on his knees.

"It feels good doesn't it? But I can sense your fear, your anger is flowing through your veins. In my opinion you would have made a great separatist for count dooku."krell is trying to taunt me "what are you waiting for? The umbarans are getting closer."

I breathe heavily "I have to do this"

"You can't do it can you? Eventually, you'll have to do the right thing and..." krell couldn't finish as he was hot blast by a gun.

I didn't kill him. I turned to see dogma with a gun in his hand. He looked really upset "I- I had to.he betrayed us."

I sighed as I dropped the gun Rex walks up to me and puts my arm around me "I couldn't kill him." I told rex.

"I know but all that matters is he's gone now"

I sighed "how am I supposed to explain this to obi wan and anakin?

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