Rebels S2EP 18

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I was watching a hologram of anakins training. I looked at this reminding me how much I missed him. I know he's turned to the dark side but I believe there is good in him but he doesn't see it. I hope to bring him back somehow.

the door open and I see Ezra enter while watching the hologram "he's amazing. I've watched these recordings to help me with my own saber training." He said.

"You should have seen him in person" I replied "anakin skywalker, he was ahsoka's master and a brother figure to me."

"Kanan said he was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the clone wars other than you of course"

"He was powerful, rarely lost a battle. What would have suprised people was how kind he was.he cared deeply about his friends, and looked out for them until the end." I frowned thinking of the old days with him.

"Do you know what happened to him?" He asked.

I knew what happened to anakin turning to the dark side. I don't want to Tell Ezra what happened to him after the clone wars but I can tell him honestly of what I knew during order 66, truthfully.

"Last time I saw him, he was rushing off to save the chancellor. Then everything changed. The war ended and the Jedi were accused of treason. One by one, they were being down."

"By the inquisitors"

"Or worse"

Then the door opens revealing Kanan "speaking of inquisitors.... y/n what do you thinking about us doing the hunting for a change?"

"When you defeated one. Two more came. Who's to say we multiply our problems yet again?" I asked.

"And there's vader" Ezra said confers.

"I don't disagree." Kanan replies to Ezra "but the fact remains, we can't protect our friends from vader and his inquisitors. I can barely protect you"

"I don't need protecting"

Then I spoke "It's times like these that anakin, Ahsoka and I would turn to someone like obi wan or master Yoda.they alway had the answer. Well, almost always"

"Then maybe we should ask Master Yoda" Kanan suggests.

Kanan entered lothal to find some answers on our journey so far I know Ezra was from lothal and he knows where we might find answers.

"Here it is" he said "if you and Kanan stand here you can use the force to open the temple."

I nodded as Kanan and I used the force to open the temple it was growing and growin until we saw the door and we entered the temple it was huge.

"How did you contact master Yoda here" I asked Kanan and Ezra.

Kanan shrugs "well, he kind of contacted us."

"I thought I was dreaming when I first heard Master yodas voice" Ezra said.

"And I was meditating"

"Then perhaps that's a good place to start." I replied as was all started meditating.

"I see a door way" Kanan said as we looked and see nothing.

"Where?" Ezra asked " I don't see anything"

"Neither do i"

Then Kanan stands up "last time we spoke to master Yoda we were separated maybe this was my path alone" the. He goes to a wall an disappeared.

"Where'd he go? He just disappeared" Ezra asked.

I looked at him "as you know thesetemples can be tricky.
Ezra and I continued meditating for a while. Kanan a still gone for a line time. I hope he's okay.

"You knew master Yoda?" Ezra asked me

"Yes, he taught almost all of the youngling in the temple at one point or another. But I was chosen by him to be his padawan." I explained.

"Kanan describes him to me. Small, green, and wrinkly with pointy ears. But he didn't know what he was really like."

Not everyone knew what kind of species he was more question it"I'm not sure anyone did. He was wise, kind, but when I was young he seemed happier. As the clone war dragged on, he carried a great burden, a deep sorrow. As if he knew before anyone else that one time was ending, and another beginning" before I realized Ezra was gone.

I continued meditating but I began to get distracted by a familiar voice "y/n"I opened my eyes to see no one there it continued meditating "y/n, why did you not find me?" I hear anakins voice "where were you when I needed you?" He asked like he was in anger.

"I made a choice. I couldn't stay" I told him.

"You were selfish" his voice sounded like he was angry at me.


"We could have ended the war together like we promised , but you abandoned me! You failed me! Do you know what I've become?" Then I heard Vader's breathing.

"No!" I exclaimed pulling out my lightsaber and turned to see nothing. I put away my lightsaber and started crying. "I'm sorry." Then out of nowhere the temple started to shake knowing what's happening. But I looked at another way out as I ran until I see Kanan and Ezra.

"Kanan,y/n, you won't believe what I..."

Kanan inturopts "Tell is later come on"
We all ran out to find away ou "up a head the way out"

Then I stoped and sense something watching me I turned to see Yoda as he waves I smiled and continued running until I got out. We went to the ship as chopper flew us safely.

"I saw Master Yoda" Ezra spike.

"Saw him? What did he say?" Kanan asked.

"He said to find malachor" Ezra looks at me "whos malachor"

I replied "Malachor isn't a person. It's a place"

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