Rebels S2EP5

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It's been a week since Rex joined the ghost crew. I entered to see Rex playing holocheess with Zeb. And yes Rex won. And looks like Ezra is gonna lift chopper up. But I don't think he knows that chopper locked in.

He used the force to lift him but gave up "I can't! I can't do it" he exclaimed.

"Hey kid, while you're looking through the force, don't forget to look with your eyes too. The droids got his feet locked down" Rex Tell Ezra as Sabine and chopper laughs.

Ezra sighs "it's not fair"

"Real battles usually aren't." I told him.

"It's true" Rex said "y/nand the Jedi general I served combined the force with their wits,and it made them both great warriors"

"Ezras got plenty of wits. What he needs is more discipline" Kanan replies.

"Well, then you must let a soilder handle that."

Then Hera entered to see Rex an Kanan almost argue but before they could continue she spoke "Sabine, I have a mission for you and shop. Thanks to captain Rex, I found an old base we're we might be able to salvage some much needed medical supplies. Zeb you should go too"

"Better find the med supplies quick. Captain wits is about to need them" Kanan spoke.

Rex chuckles "so there's where the boy's lack of discipline comes from, hmm?"

"You're saying I lack discipline?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I said"

Oh boy here we go again my time to leave the room before I loose something. I went up to hera as she crossed her arms.

"They have been doing this for weeks this is getting ridiculous" Hera groans.

I nodded "yup. They do need to get over their differences. But how?"

She smirks "I have and idea"

Rex and Kanan we siting down but away from each other looking at us in confusion. Hera and I cross our arms to look at them.

"All right were making ground rules" I spoke

"What rules" Rex asked.

Hera and I smirked at each other then looked at the men as Hera puts down the list. "From now on you two will go on mission together alone no matter what mission. And if you still don't get along well have to lock you both in a room together."

"What?! Your kidding" Kanan exclaimed.

"You can't be serious" Rex said.

"We are" her and I both said.

"How about a game"

2 hours later

Rex and Kanan we're playing holochess. I watched them play as Hera reads her data pad.

"I win" Kanan said smirking.

Rex chuckles "looks like you can be disciplined when you set your mind to it."

Kanan blinks "what? Wait! Are you trying to say you're teaching me a lesson?"

"there are many ways to find victory"
Rex replies.

"I'm not sure If I like you more or less now" I chuckled at Kanan response as we heard the door open. Guess the rest of the crew are back. "Speaking of lack of discipline. Ezra we need to talk."

"Yeah we do" Ezra said "about the two inquisitors we just ran into"

"Inquisitors?" Kanan said in shock.

Sabine frowns "yes. Two. We got lucky Zeb saved us without him things could have been bad." She said as zeb climbs down with medical supplies.

"Well done soilder." Rex said.

"It was a group effort" Zeb replies "those I inquisitors are nasty business. Kanan,y/n why didn't you tell us there were more of 'em?"

Kanan and I looked at each other but didn't say anything. Hera got the three of them to go report this to commander sato. The three head to leave.

Ezra looks at me "y/n, they know about you and Ahsoka."

"I'll tell her" I reply before sitting downZ I knew there were more inquisitors without a doubt.

"Y/!,Did you know there was more than one?" Hera asked

I nodded "yes, I did."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rex asked in confusion.

"Because you didn't ask." I exclaimed "they don't just work for the empire they work for the Sith for one purpose."

"What's that" Kanan asked.

"To kill each and every surviving Jedi.Rex walks up to me and put his arm around me pulling me for a hug. I know those inquisitors are still coming to Hunt us.

It's not over for them.

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