Clone wars S1EP7

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It's been 3 hours and still no R2, anakin is getting very worried. I am too, ahsoka is still mad at anakin for doubting R3.

We checked on Rex to see what he reports so far ""we've searched their supply grids, sir. There's nothing to indicate the presence of an enemy outpost."

"Masters" we turned to Ashoka "I'm receiving a strange transmission I can't seem to make it out though" she presses the button as we heard a warble sounds "boost the volume Goldie" Goldie does it but the opposite.

"No you're losing it" anakin said walking up to them as he hits a button.

We hear a familiar beep. My eyes widened "that's R2"

Ahsoka looks at us in disbelief "that doesn't sound like R2"

"It's him I could never forget that voice" anakin says happily "trace it rex" anakin order.

"Anakin our orders were to find. The separatists listening post" I remind him.

"Perhaps R2 is at the listening post. Did you consider that?" I didn't answer.

" we have a lock on the droids location sir" Rex says As we looked at the screen.

"Prepared to jump to those coordinates" I ordered.

"Yes sir"

"Hold on R2 we're coming" I hear anakin whisper. He really liked the droid.

"Sir, the last transmission came from that moons upper atmosphere, directly ahead" Rex points at the spot as it shows.

"That's a separatist battle sphere." I said

"I'm picking up a lot of encrypted chatter" Ashoka says listening at what's happening.

"Contact obi wan" anakin orders ahsoka as he turns to R3 "stubby scramble secret code set 1477. I don't want that station to pick this up."Then obi wan got the memo as he contacts us. "Masters I believe we've found your separatist listening post."

"Excellent work. Back off and wait I'll send two mainline cruisers to help you destroy it"

"But R2" ahsoka reminds us about him.

"We believe anakin droid R2 is on board he's the one who led us here."

Obi-Wan rubs his chin. "This complicates things you must sneak aboard that station and destroy it before they crack R2s memory banks. I know your fond of that droid, but he's fallen into enemy hands."

"I could rescue R2" anakin suggests

"No" Obi-Wan dis agrees "this is not a rescue mission" then he hangs up.

"Keep jamming their scanners if they spot us were head snips stay here" anakin orders

"Probably for the best" she responds.

We all set up to get ready to leave, I had to set R3 up so he's good for travel.

"We're bringing the droid?" I looked up to see Rex who doesn't look impressed that we're bringing the droid along.

"We'll need Goldie to open secured hatches and access the stations computer for us" I explained to him "oh, and, Rex, you get to carry him." I smirked at him as I head to see anakin. As we stood in front of the door as it opens. Even was all flashy and orange but I'm not afraid "follow me boys" I ordered jumping off the ship.

It was a long fall but anakin and I landed perfectly. We looked up and saw the other troopers put on their jaetpacka to safely landed. Rex was last to land but had trouble keeping his balance.

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