Andor S1ep2

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I was heading to meet Bix at a place when I got an alert I went to Check my tablet to see news talking about a male kenari wanted. I knew this was bad I walked as fast as I could.

I saw her sitting on a table as I sat beside her "I got your message and got the news" I whined her the wanted thing. "It's widespread"

"Shit" she said softly.

Then we saw Cassian walk in and saw both of us "I take it you both saw the notice"

"What did you do?" I asked him.

Cassian sighs "two guys jumped me it went too far"

"How far is too far?" Bix asked sternly.

"They were shaking me down. I wasn't looking for a fight." He said.

"The buyers coming" Bix said "it's too late to call him off he'll be here in the morning"

"Okay" Cassian said before leaving.

Bix look at a me knowing that we're screwed on what's to happen next.

Love outranks everything (Star Wars fanfic book 1-2) Where stories live. Discover now