Clone wars S1EP17

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Kenobi, anakin, Ashoka and Myself were about to visit senator amadellia, she was on an important mission and we were told to see her for assistance.

Once we landed we saw a man running towards us brut we don't see the senator. "General kenobi anakin, we're so glad—-"

"Where's senator amidala?" Anakin asked him I could tell he was concerned.

"She went to look for the lab"

"And you let her go?" Now anakins worried about her. They're good friends after all who wouldn't be worried about her.

"Senator padmè can be very hard to stop once she has made up her mind" 3po explains.

Anakin nods "good point. I know what you mean."

"This is Peppi now" the man introduceds to the female gungan "she was the last person to see them. Parame sent her here to safely"

"Theysa looking for the sick-maker" she tells us.

I "they?" Obi wan asked in confusion.

"Representative binks was with her."

"Ashoka, y/n go with the gun fan and see what can find" anakin orders.

"Got it master" Ashoka says as we followed the gungan. To search for some clues.

We've been searching for things quite a while do far nothing. "Dis sa ship belonging to them" Peppi shows us where the ship of senator padmè. We we walked pass it.

"So where are they?" I asked Peppi. She didn't answer as we stoped and got off the animal.

Ahsoka saw the tracks " they're track end here" we looked at Peppi as we saw her growing taller .

I looked down and saw a scope. Ahsoka and I tried our avoid before seen by they scope, Peppi tries to keep her balance on it. "Peppi it's a scope, don't let them see you" i told her as I find my chance to grab both of them as we hide from the scope until it clears.

"I should contact master." Ahsoka suggest

"Do it" I told her.

She begins to contact anakin " master? Are you there?"

"Did you find her?" Anakin asks in worry.

"Negative," I told him "I'm pretty sure she's inside the lab. The whole area is wired with pressure sensors.  there's no way to get In without being detecte. But we're more than happy to—"

"Do not attempt to get inside." Obi wan says as the hologram shows a map. "I need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility. It should cause a nice distraction and seal the bomb area. While we com in through the hatches."

"You can count on us" I said to them.

"Rex and his men will be right behind you girls they'll have your back."  Anakin tells us as he hangs up.

"I wonder How long is that's gonna take" she tells me with her arms crossed."

"Patience my friend, that all the time we need. And for that" I took the bomb out and used my force powers to puts it on the ground without the scopes seeing it until it was time. "Now" I dropped the scope as it exploded.

Then the republic ships flew past us as Ashoka and I were about to leave.

"Mesa come too" Peppi says but we stoped her.

"No. Stay here and make sure no one escape" ahsoka tells her as we ran to the whole we put up as the boys entered and droids come in.

I ran up to them and sliced every one until the droids with the sheilds came and shoot at us those things are hard to kill.

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