Acolyte s1ep4

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Sol and I went to see other Jedi as well see Mae in the hologram.
"She is fast but weak" master Holden said "her emotions guide her every choice in combat"
"Yet there is skill here" one Jedi said.
"Yes" I said "someone has trained her.
"But who?" Master Holden said.
"She doesn't know her masters identity but she fears him" sol said.
"An apprentice who doesn't know their master? It's absurd" a Jedi said.
"Could this be a splinter order? Or something worse" Holden asked in concern.
"If they're a splinter order we'd know this girl could
Become a major threat."
"She's not disciplined" i said.
"Yet she eluded you" vernestra said walking in. "And she killed two Jedi masters. She shows a hologram of kelnacca, indara and torbin.
"Yes Mae has targeted these three-" sol spoke
"Five including you and matthea, sol" vernestra continues "the five Jedi stationed on her home planet when she was a child. How odd. She turns up all these years later trained by one of our own."
"You think a Jedi taught her?" Holden asked.
"Even a hologram can tell me that" vernestra said.
"We may alert the high council" one Jedi suggested.
"The high council would be obliged to inform the senate a scandal like this would inspire fear and mistrust we should handle this ourselves. We must Learn who trained her. Master Holden, extract Kelnacca from his post on Khofar and intercept Mae"
"And if she doesn't come peacefully?' Holden asked.
"I'm not expecting it to come to that. This meeting is Adjourned" she said walking away.
Sol and I looked at each other then I ran to her "master vernestra please"
She turns and inhales sharply "why didn't you or SOL tell me about this?"
"We did as soon as we knew"
"No matthea. Sixteen years ago why did you tell me there was a chance this poor girl survived?"
"If I thought there was, of course I would have. But we saw her fall no one could've survived that"
"But you knew she was still alive afterword." I was shocked that she knew that "I know You seen it that she survived and decided not tell anyone not even osha"
I sighed "it's a mistake that I won't make twice I promise you but please let sol and I bring her in."
"Yours and sols personal connection with her and her sister is not a benefit here"
"Mae's objective is not solely her own. You must know that"
"I fear Mae is only a small part of her Master's larger plan.a plan that is difficult to See some sort of shift.
Something to tip the scales."
"If she resists arrest and Holden neutralizes her--"
"It won't come to that"
"Then her matter will truly be lost to us. She will Not Surrender without getting nothing in return"
She nods in understanding "do we have something she wants?"
Later we head to the planet and I looked to see a forest knowing kelnacca is in there luckily we brought a tracker to help us find him and possibly Mae.
Then I started to walk around when I felt something when osha walks up to me "what is it?"
"It's nothing" I said.
"SOL wouldn't let me confront Mae on omega"
I looked at her "he knew you weren't ready"
"But I'm ready now?"
I looked down at her "this is different."
"I feel different. I sense things again in a way that gives me the courage to face her."
I put my hand on my shoulder "You're not going to face her. You're going to face your past. The three of us will." She looks at me in confusion "once we get Mae to the ship I'll explain everything i promise"
Then we heard bazils screech as we all went to find out what happend we found the place where kelnacca is where I started to sense something.
"SOL" I said as he turns to face me "someone's following us"
We turned to see an unfamiliar figure walking toward us and uses the force to move Mae out of the way and we all went to attack this being but it stops us.

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