Clone wars S1EP20

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We have been walking for a long while until we found a place near the lava falls.

"What's out next move?" I asked

"We're gonn have to fight our way off this rock" anakin answers.

"Contact the council see when they plan to rescue us" obi wan orders.

"I'll handle it" mast piel contact the council and explained to them that we're waiting for the ship to get us.Then out of nowhere three droids found us and shot at us until we took them down.

"No doubt, there's more on the way" obi wan says as we move along.

We ran and ran until we found more droids coming our way. "They're boxing is in" I told them.

"Lock in your cables" anakin orders as we locked it in. "R2, we need your droids to hold the enemy as long as possible" R2 beeps at him saying that he will. "Good, everybody follow me!"

Then we went down the wall until we were on the ground and found a hole and then ran inside it.

Once it was clear we continue walking around. I walked to Rex's side as I looked at captain grumps from behind "I don't know why Master piel would give him the other half. He's doesn't seem like the guy to trust jedis"

Rex looks at me "I'm not sure either, but it's good too keep a close eye on him. And general piel trust him."

"I know but still, I have a feeling that I don't trust him"

Rex put his hand on my shoulder "we'll fight this out soon. I promise"

"The creatures are gaining" we heard fives warn us.

"If they caught our sent,they'll lead the droids right to us" piel Tells us.

"We're gonna have to deal with them" I said walking towards Ashoka.

"What about using this cave to suprise them?" Ahsoka suggests.

Then master piel says "If we can get them to pass by,we can attack them from behind but we need a distraction."

Anakin glares from behind "leave that to me" the. Obiwan clears his throat "and obi wan of course"

Master piel nods "okay the rest of you will follow me" then we followed him to get away from the droids. Later we ran fast as the droids found us. "Keep going, Ashoka,y/n and I will take care of the droids"

The troopers leave us as we fought the droids off. I saw an animal attack master piel as I kran up and killed it. Then ahsoka and I ran up to master piel I sense that he's close to death.

"We have to get help" ahsoka suggests.

"No. Don't leave" he tells us "listen to me carfully. The information I need you to deliver back to the council"

"We should find anakin or obi wan they need to hear this" I told him.

"No.Y/n must listen."

"What do you need to say?" I asked in a wispered.

"Remember this and see to that the information I'm about to give you is revealed to no one but the Jedi council then he begins to wisper in my ear the information. All of if. The. He closed his eyes. He's one with the force now.

Then we walked back to the others with me carrying his body. Obiwan and and anakin was shocked to see him. I put him down and frowned. "He died honourably"

"What about the information?" Anakin asked. The information is very important to everyone.

"Y/nhas it" Ashoka answers "he told her just before he died."

Then we go the the nearest lava to put humans remember of his heroic death. I looked to Rex who was beside me and grabbed his hand as he intertwines our fingers.

We continued our journey as we found the extraction point to get us out of here.

We got the cable one to get across Rex and tarek went. When they crossed Cody and Myself went next S's the droids came by. By I made it cross.

Then the man came and the captain shot him down then the mans grabs the captain "if I can have the information, it will die with you." He was gonna throw the captain in the lava but i took out my lightsaber and stabbed.

The captain looks at me as he brushes of "my thanks, commander y/n." He sighs "I've see why she's known as the younges master Jedi" walks pass obi wan and anakin.

"The rescue ship should be here by now" obi wan says.

"So should the rest of the separatist army" anakin says.

Then we saw a republic ship coming to us the doors open and reveals master plo "I believe you've worn out your welcome"Then more droids came but luckily we got in the ships before they could do more damage. "Admiral coburn, we have the survivors recall all fighters"

We left the planet and went back to she ship where we can get out.

We head to the Jedi council as they gathered around.

"Of master piell a loss, we are sorry to hear" yoda says to us.

"He I'll be missed" mace widu said

"Because of his great sacrifice, we now have the nexus route coordinates." Plo adds

"Captain Tarkin amd y/n have each memorized half" Obiwan wan tells them.

"Debrief then both we must" yoda suggests.

"With all due respect master Jedi" tarkin spoke "I was instructed by chancellor palpatine to bring the intel directly to him for debriefing"

I glared at him "I promised master piel that I would deliver it only to the council,and that's what I will do."

Yoda humms "personally meet with the chancellor, I will. Decide what is best to do we shall"

Today was a rough day but I know how to get through it. When the going gets rough, the rough gets going.

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