Anddor S1ep6

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I was with vel and Cindy's in a base as and the boys get to the place once we were in we've been getting then the empire got to unfortunately we have lost taramyn on the mission and poor Benicia got seriously injured.

"Where and I heading" andor said.

"Climb now" nemik said in pain he was giving us ways to get out.

"Where are we heading?" I asked.

"Nemik is dying" vel said.

"You don't know that" I said.

"I agree" skeem said " there's a doctor.we have it built in the contingency she doesn't want to jeopardize the mission this kid is the reason we're here he's alive"

Later we got to the doctor to see nemik when Cassian stops me "Cassey what's going on? Is nemik all right" I asked.

"He's dead, so is skeem" h said "skeem tried to take the money and I'm done being part of your uncles thing we've been friends for years I'm gonna give an opinion to come with me or stay"

I sighed and decided to come with him out of the mission and do something unexpected.

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