Mandalorian S3ep2

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before we had to go to mandalore we went to peli and got an astromech to help if mangalore was poisoned.

Once we got there it looks bad "I know it looks scary" din said

"I heard it was green and beautiful back when the songs were written it's mandalore the home world of the people every mandalorian can trace their roots back to this planet,and the bed at mines deep within i wider what it's like to be there" I said

"you know what? I've never been there either" din said "I grew up over there on that moon Concordia." He points at the planet "and that's Kalevala where we visited bo katan it's in the same system. A mandalorian has to understand maps an know their way around that way you'll never be lost"

We land on the planet as d the astromech says that the air is clear we got out and went outside and in the cave and went to the mines and GROGU and I saw something catch din.

"Get to Bo katan" he said

GROGU and I ran and got out of there as best we could to find Bo katan in the planet kelevala.

Bo katan looked mad for a sec yet shocked to see us "what happened to him"

"We we're on mandalore Something got him he asked us to get you. I need your help"

Then we went to her ship and went back to mandalore to help din. We got to a planet to see a place that looked like a city.

"It didn't always look like this" she said before we landed "okay im gonna need you to guide me to him."

We got out of the ship and went inside the cave. And saw a city.

"What was this?" I asked

"This was this was once a beautiful civilization. My family ruled it all now it's a tomb"

The we continued on the GROGU stops and i crouched to comfort him as Bo katan stops "he's frightened"

"I know he's frightened but I need you to guide me to him"

We kept on going as I was giving some thought of mainly AHSOKA. No knew her.

"You know when you told us to go to AHSOKA. By the way she amazing. Was she the only Jedi you know?" I asked.

"I knew quite a few Jedi" she said "I don't know what they taught you about us but there was a time where we got alone quite well. Fought side by side."


"How good are you with the force?"

I shrugged "GROGU trains and I pretty much teach myself"

Then we saw a creature come and bo katan fought it until it died. No looks at me "did you think your boyfriend was the only MANDALORIAN?"

"What we're they"

"Those were alamites and we were their next meal. They used to live in the surface wastelands beyond our cities if they survived I wonder what else might've too."

"I don't think I want to know"

Then we finally found din as we fought the creator I used my lightsaber as bo found a darksaber as we killed that thing together.

I walked to din to see him trapped "din are you okay?" I asked.

We got him out of there waiting for him to heal.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I saved your life" bo said.

He was about to sit up but I stoped him "don't struggle din."

"Thank you" he said to bo "you we're right mandalore was not cursed."

"Was I?"she asked "look around there's nothing left the great Soviet is now a memory. I once ruled here for a brief it's destroyed nothing to cling to but ashes. Any MANDALORIAN worth their armour was raised on this since they were his size" she points to grogu."

Din gets up holding GROGU while holding my hand "i must continue to the minds of mandalore so that I may be redeemed"

She chuckles "I honestly think it's adorable that you actually believe in children stories but there's nothin magic about the waters."

"Without the creed what are we? What do we stand for? Our people are scattered like stars in the galaxy the creed is how we survived."

"You rescued din and we'll always be in your dept" i said to her "din has to fulfill his obligation"

"I will take him he'll never find them on his own" she said. As we continued walking.

"It's hard to believe that this was once filled with our kind" din said.

"It wasn't that long ago" bo said "you'd never know looking at all this destruction"

"It looks like it's been centuries" i said.

"The empire set out to punish us to wipe away our memory"

"It mus pain you to se it like this after witnessing its beauty" din said.

"What pains me is seeing our own kind fight one and another time and time again killing each other for reasons too confusing to explain it made us weak. We had no hope to resist being smashed by the fist of the empire. There the entrance to the mines of mandalore" she said as she puts the light on.

"This area looks older" i said.

"The mines have been here for thousands of years the living waters are in the chambers below."

"Have you been there?" Din asked

"Yes when I was a child. I was part of a royal family I took the creed and was showered with gifts but the rituals were all just theatre for our subjects they loved watching the princess recite the MANDALORIAN tenets as her father looked on proudly.such a heart-warming spectacle"

"Maybe he was proud" I said.

"I know he was I didn't embarrass him in front of anyone"

"He sounds like an interesting man" din said.

"He was a great man he died defending mandalore" then we got to the water looks dark and creepy "here you go the living waters hold on I want you to get the full tour." She goes to a plague and reads "these mines date back to the age of the first mandalore according to ancient folklore the mines were once a mythossaur lair MANDALORIAN the great is said to have tamed the mythical beast it is from these legends that the skull signet was adopted and became the symbol of our planet. This is it"

I looked at her before looking at din who was looking at the water "din are you all right?" I asked

He didn't answer but took off his gear. And walked in the water "I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors that I shall walk the way of the mand'alor.. and the words of the creed shall be forever forged in my heart" then something takes din in the water.

"DIN!" I shouted!

"Stay here" bo said as she jumps in.

I wanted patiently as she brought din back and I ran up to him "you okay? What happened?" I said looking at the water. Somethings not right.

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