Rebels S2EP4

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Since we have the problem the empire is on their way we have another problem. A sandstorm is coming but I don't know what more or least of our problems.

But right now rex got us the coordinate "here they are, the core donate of every republic base, separatists installation, Pirate hideout and smugglers in the outer rim" he hands it to me as I take it.

"Pulse a few mandolorian bases even they've forgotten about." Wolffe adds.

"Thank you rex." I thanked him "sure you won't come with us? Your not bad in a fight nor that you ever were."

Rex rubs the back of his head "yeah. Like I said, our war's over, y/n. Don't much care to get mixed up in another. Oh and say hello to commander tano for me."

This really worries me "but the empires on its way they will find you."

"Oh we can take care of ourselves"

Then Kanan comm comes on hearing her as voice come in "star destroyer just came out of hyberspace gonna power down so the can't scan me. Once I'm finished my repairs I'll come get you. Good luck down there."

That's not good they're on their way hear right now. "If they follow procedure, they'll fly search patterns base on our last confirmed position." Rex explained.

"Or they'll call." Gregor adds "incoming imperial transmission. It's for you wolffe" he point at wolffe.

"They called back?" Wolffe asked in a bit of panic "they... they never call back."

I heard Kanan chuckle "this is why I don't trust clones."

I rolled my eyes "just get rid of them wolffe" I told him as the crew and myself move out of the way to not be seen.

""Yeah, it was my mistake and I'll fix it"

The pictured shows up revealing kallus and they talked about where the rebels are but the clones lie saying the they never seen us until a picture reveals the phantom which blew it. So kallus threatens them to hand us over or be destroyed but Rex wasn't having it.

"If it's a fight you want. I hope you brought class of soilders than those stormtroopers" hearing Rex say that reminds me of the good old days where he's always loyal but tough.

"They serve the empire well, and I have great many of them" kallus said.

"You're gonna need all of 'em Rex replies before hanging up."

"I like these guys" Zeb chuckled before we felt the ground rumble.

"They found us" Sabine tells us.

"Guess that search pattern paid off

Then we all went outside to see a fighter headed towards us I took out my lightsaber and blocked the shot.

"Why doesn't someone man the big gun" Ezra asked looking at rex.

"That's no good in this situation" Rex replies.

"Oh kinda like you guys" Kanan says sarcastically.

Rex looks at Gregor with a smirk "you want the shot"

He gives the big gun to Gregor "love to them Gregor aims at the fighter then shot it down.

Rex chuckles "Gregor, you've still got it."

"It's I'm my blood"

I walked up to them putting my hand on Rex's shoulder "you know, we'd make a good team if we fought together" I looked at rex with a smirk. We stared at each other for a moment when Kanan spoke.

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