Star wars S7Ep3

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"Situations almost under control out there" I  shout running to see echo is alive us. "How it going in here?"

"I'm still trying to decrypt Echos cerebral interface." Tech responds "until I do, we cannot disconnect him from his computer system" he continues on trying to find a way to disconnect echo.

I turns to Rexin concern "how is he?"

Rex stood up "he's too weak to walk Very disoriented.Doesn't even remember how he got here.He remembers being at the citadel but that's about it." I looked down at echo who's just looking at where he is.

"Any word on the extraction squad?"

"We called it in, no word back" Rex responds.

We looked to see the bad batch but tech destroying the droids as best as they could "well, that's no surprise"I said "we knew when we got into this we'd be on our own."

"It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here." Hunter shouts at the door while closing it "there's several squad droids closing in"

"How long can you hold them off?" I asked

"How long do you need?"

"Tech how much longer?".

"Not yet. I need more time" tech tried his best to try to I unplug echo until it was time "I've got it you can un plug him how"

Echo turns around as I walked up to him "I'm sorry if this hurts" I started unplugging him until he fall on the ground.

Echo coughs "y/n..."

I bent down in worry "what is it?"

Echo coughs again then smiled "I got a bit headache" chuckled.

I chuckled back "better to fell something than nothing old buddy I would talk more guys but we need to get out of here now"

"There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there" echo point up at the vent as we all looked up. It's really high.

"They've breached the front door." Hunter shouts "it won't be long before they're through the second."

Echo gets up and goes to the controls "that shoul open" then the vent opens.

"Great. Now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asked in frustration.

"I can help with that" wrecker says as he grabs hunter.

"Wait, what? Wrecker what are you doing?" Wrecker didn't answer ad he throws hunter in the vent "a heads-up would have been nice!"

Wrecker turns to Crosshair "your turn" then throws him up the vent.

"Tech take echo" I told him helping echo up as echo clings on techs back and wrecker grabs him and throws them to the vent.

"Your turn reg" wrecker grabs Rex and throws him up. Then walks up tome .

I put my hand up "It's okay wrecker I got this"

I I jumped in the vent them look down to see wrecker running "what are you doing?" I asked him in confusion.

"I'm putting an end to tambor a little science experiment." Wrecker answers.

"Are you done? Times up." I used the force to lift him up when I noticed purple electrical static's were there. I quickly lifted wrecker up on the vent until the vent closes and gently put wrecker down.

"Thanks" he said. I nodded telling him no problem.

"Come on we have to get out of here I said .

We walk in the vent for a while we all searched for a place to get out so far nothing "this ventilation corridor acts as a cooling system for all the computers in the facility." Tech said.

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