Clone wars S7EP2

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Once we were on our way to skako minor Rex watch wrecker doing pushes on a drop while eating and I was taking a look at crosshairs weapon. And hunter just working on some stuff.

"So how many missions had your team been on Sargent" I asked  asked hunter as he gives back Crosshairs weapon.

"Honestly, sir, I've lost count" hunter answered "all the action sir of blurs together."

"I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who do you guys report to?" Rex asked curiously.

Hunter looked at us "good question. Can't say I've got an answer" he responds crossing his arm.

Then out of nowhere my head began to hurt it wasn't worse than last time but it hurt. I held my head.

Then out of nowhere the ship started to shake."We are approaching skako minor" tech shouts. "It looks to be a difficult landing."

Once we landed we couldn't see what was going on due to the clouds.

"Rex what do we know about this place?" I asked.

"On this part of skako, there's a race of locals, the poletecs. All we know is they're very primitive" he tells us.

"Primitive is being kind" tech said. "My intel says the poltecs worship flying reptiles."

Then we saw something land on the ship a flying creature.

"What the heck was that?" Wrecked asked looking out the window.

"It's one of those reptiles"

"I want that thing off my ship" Hunter said as he was about to run out.

"Hold on! Hold on!" I told them "don't just run out there"

Then we go out to see the reptile being and the poltecs looking down at us from above us"

"GET OF OF THERE!" Wrecker shouts.

"Calm down. We need to talk to them" I  told them.

"Why?" Hunter asked.

"The commandersrigh" Rex agrees.

I looked to see another flying reptile coming towards us "look out Rex" I pushed Rex out of the way as the reptile grabs me and flys as I dropped my lightsaber. "Oh great" I said to myself.
The reptiles flys until I get to the poltec village, the reptile gently puts me down then puts its foot on my chest as I struggle for it to get off of me.

One of the poltecs got off the reptile and then grabs me he tried to talk to me in his language but I couldn't understand what he's saying.

"Okay, I think we're gonna have a slight communication problem here." I told him.Then out of nowhere I saw something shoots he replied as it gets off of me. I looked to see a rolling boiler coming towards me as I move out of the way as I see the boys running and pointing their guns out.

The poltecs tries to talk to hunter "tech translate what he said" he ordersz

Tech gets to work and begin translating "he says 'he does not want our war in his planet. That is why he took our leaders."

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