Andor S1E9

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We head to work on the thing I looked to see table three struggling

"table three. They won't be shorthanded all day there's a new man coming down but we can take the shift if we push" I said.

"We're already up on four" jemboc said.

"I could use a proper meal" tags

"Swap" i said as taga and I swap.

King walks up to me "swaps your idea"

"No it's taga" I said.

"Are you kidding"

"Wise move" said king "41 days ulaf is going home"

"Nee man for them today? Always the next day right" I asked.

Lion glares at me "you know the drill"

Later I told them I was taking my run whil I was trying to cut some thing while I was trying to do something when they call new man.

I walked out and stood beside someone "two men back two weapon"i wispered.

"No boots" he saidI looked at the guy touching the rail "elevators not wired nothing that moves can fry you"

Looking at that means something "I have a new idea don't wait we attack while their coming down now"

"They'll just go back up"

"No we make it stop we shut it down half way take one gaurd one weapons.

Later we were lining up but we didn't move something was wrong then hydro went off. After something was going on on level two.

Later on we went to our cell and had meals.

I was still thinking about an escape plan.

I look to king as he was eating "You never think about escaping?"

"You know I won't answer that" kindo said.

I chuckled "I'll take that as a no"

He glares at me "take what you like. You flap that mouth of your any longer you'll regret it"

"I'm sure you thought about it. How many gaurds on each level"

"You want out of here alive turn that part of your mind off"

"Okay. How many shifts you have left?


I nod "so tell me what you know before you go?"

King glanced at me"you've been warned"

"You think they care what we say?"

"You're on your own with this"

"Why? You think they're listening? You think they care enough to make an effort"

"Like you would know." He said softly.

"I know this. They don't need to care all they need to do is turn this floor on twice a day and keep their numbers rolling why bother listening to us we are nothing to them melshis right we're cheaper than droids and easiest to replace"

"Good luck to you" Kino starts to lay down face the wall and turn off his light.

I looked to melshis and he shrugs.

Later we've been told that level two both shifts were fried out and they're all dead.

The an alarm for the program as we got to position.

"What happened on two" ulaf askex.

"He set them all free" melshi said making king punch him.

I went to stop him "kino we need to be carful the less they think we know the better" i said softly.

"Hold your program" link shout "tighten up and listen!it's a rumour. Maybe it's true maybe it's not. We have heard nothing it's just another day another shift so let's keep our mouths shut, keep our heads down until we know what's going on"

Then we we're clear to go to our shift. During the shift Ulaf was not well by the end of the shift melshi and I had to carry him.

"Kino, her needs a doctor" I said to him.

"Get him to the cell." He said.
Ulaf wasn't doing good lion called for a med tech and aske meshli to leave then Ulaf tells him to hang on as we wait.

I try to hold my tears for Ulaf but failed. King looks at me in concern I wipe my tears quickly "sorry I can't help but worry about people.

Then we heard the door hiss seeing a medic. As I watched as they did stuff "I just want him to get back on his feet"

"That's not an option" the medic said.

"What?" I asked.

"You can't save him?" Kino asked.

"There's nothing to save" the medic said "he's had a massive stroke." He gets he stuff to put him down "another week like this then you'll be begging for what he's getting."

"What's do you mean?" I asked.

"You heard me hold his shoulders you hold his legs"

I couched to hold his legs "What happened on level two?" I asked.'

He looks to king "you'll want to keep your men in line" then he gave Ulaf stuff for him to pass.

"What do you mean.. keep my men in line? What happened down on two" Kino asked.

"They made a mistake a man who was just released on four ended up back on two the next day word got out on the floor and then they killed them all"

"If he was released.."

"You heard me"

It made me realize one thing "no one's getting out are they?" I asked.

"Not now not after this" the medic said. "At least your friend is free"

Then the gaurd made kino and I go back on program.

"How many gaurds are on each level?"

"Never more than 12."

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