Clone wars S1EP9

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I was with master luminara to escape nute gunray to the republic for his war crimes.

I watched as viceroy has been put in a cell "so how does a money grubbing worm like gunray tall all this security he doesn't look that dangerous"

"Don't let your overconfidence give gunray another advantage y/n" luminara tells me. "Even now his allies may be conspiring against us" we go in his cell so he could give us answers "your thoughts betray you viceroy. I sense your concern. The fear that you will loose the wealth and the power the war has given you"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he denies.

"You hide a great many things:the names of your secret allies, the location of their bases"

"I am an innocent pawn in all of this"

Luminara scoffs "if you're merley a pawn then who are you protecting?"

"No one I know nothing"

I knew he was gonna say that do I had and idea "LIAR!" I pulled out my lightsaber "im tired of al this whining tell us what we want to know right now or i will hit you like a rokarian dirt fish"

Luminara pulls me away "y/n terror is not a weapon the Jedi use"

"I wasn't serious but the only way he'll talk if he's scared enough" I said.

"Perhaps I was too hasty let U.S. negotiate" he said.

Then out of nowhere we felt an explosion we knew something was wrong. An attack.

"Y/n stay here with captain argyus gaurd the viceroy" I nod as she leaves.

Later I heard no more blasts I smirked and looked at the victory "sounds like your rescue didn't work out after all."

"Jedi y/n" may I have a word?" The captain asked.


"I got the all clear the enemy has been repelled"

"And their attempt to free gunray has... failed?" I looked to see Ventress there look like she wants the viceroy "if is isn't assaj Ventress the hairless harpy assassin"

"If it isn't y/n y/n the filthy obnoxious Jedi" she said.

"How nice of you" I said sarcastically "tell you what I'll give you a merciful death"

Then we started to attack each other "skywalkers not here to save you now" she said as I blocked her moved.

"Good thing I don't need saving"

Then she jumps over me to let viceroy out and I tried to attack. Luckily luminara was there but she escaped.

"I'll contacting her" she said.

"Master with all due respect but Ventress is too Poe for any Jedi to fight alone" i said

"I am more capable of dwalin with a line assassin armed with undisciplined fighting skills" she then goes to fight her which worries me. Then I went after her and saw she's almost done for but I stoped Ventress and saved luminara "I know you told me to stay"

"We'll as long as you're here." She said as we do our best to stop vented before she gets to gunray. "Y/n"

"What happened to Jedi y/n?" I asked.

"This assassin I've... I've never faced and adversary like her. I should have listened to your advice"

"Master I never meant to overstep my bounds but—" I was cut off when we heard arguyus has freed gunray.
Before we know it they had escaped we reported to yoda and there was plans for him for other Jedi. But I have to leave luminara."I guess this is goodbye for now"

"I owe you my life y/n farewell".

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