Andor S1Ep8

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After we got arrested we we're heading to prison at narkina 5 which is pretty much a factory facility. Anyone there was transferred to level assignments and workroom where our floor manager will explain the details of the schedule and expectations.

It sounds like a place of torture on what we have to deal with.

But Cassian and I were assigned in the different levels so I'm by me.

"This is strange" i wispered.

Then a man I assumed was the floor manager walks up to me.

"This is unit Five-Two-D.level five means room two the D is for day shift. Seven levels of factory, seven rooms per level, seven tables per room, seven men each table. My name is kino Loy I'm the Five-Two-D unit manager. The forty nine men in this room answer to me name."

Luckily I wasn't wanted for anything so I didn't have to use a fake name "y/n" I looked up to see the gaurd who was leaving the room.

"He won't be back" kino tells me "they only come to pick up the dead and bring their replacements. You're mine now" that was little kinky for him to say. "Off program back to work" he shouts. As the other boys went back to what their doing. I follow him to where he was taking me. "Listen up its a 12 hour shift productivity is encouraged evaluation is constant. You have been assigned to table five which is the the pod that is behind because you're not in line doing your job can you read?"

"Yeah" I answered. Who doesn't read honestly. I guess some people don't.

"You see the main boxes one through seven, those are the scores for the tables in this room on this shift what's your table number?" He asked me as a test.


He nods "there you go table five. Last place that's you seven tallies are the running shift totals of all the other rooms on this floor you play against all the other tables in this room, I play against all the other rooms"

"Play" I asked.

"Call it what you will, the point if this conversation is that you understand one thing most clearly. I have 249 days left of my sentence I have a free hand in how I run this room I'm used to being in the top three on the level you will keep that happening I'm sensing you understand me. Sick injured you talk to me. Problems with another inmate I'll know before you do. Loosing hope your mind keep it to yourself don't ever slow up my line. Table five" he tells me.

I went to the table to see the guys there working. "Table five?" I asked.

"Yeah we've been waiting" on man said "what do we call you?"

"Y/n" i introduced myself.

"I'm jemboc welcome."

"Xaul" the red head said.

"Taga" one said working.

"Ulaf" oldest one said.

"Ham" the brunette said.

"I'm melshi" the tall one said.

"We're down short" Han said.

"We're a man short he'll give us a pass"

They started talking about the work.

"Hey nee guy prepare to fry"xaul said.

"Y/n" melshi corrects.


"That's his name right?" Melshi asked and i nod. And I watched what they did.

They we heard an alarm "five two D units productively levels are unacceptable we're calling a new clock"

"Okay listen up" kino shouts "this will be a sprint segment 39 minutes on the tone."

Then they continued as I watched what they did. To understand what they want me to do.

Once the shift we lined up and I noiced taga was doing hand signals to the other room. But we continued walking to our cells.

"This is our block" Xaul said "you see the white lights? That's the floor white is cold red is hot.the white lights starts flashing you got seven seconds to get in your cell sensors in the floo two men in one cell it's an instant fry"

"Fall out" king shouts as the others get to the cell "Jem walk the new man"

"Okay kino come on" jemboc shows me to my cell and what stuff what's what do. "So what did you do?" He asked me.

"I had a friend we both did nothing" I said.

"Had lot of that lately at least you know where you're stand from the Star no surprises they doubled everyone's number last month P-O-R-D"

"People must be talking about it" tags said.

"About what?" I asked.

"The public order resentencing directive"

"It's been a tough month here waiting for news" jemboc said "can't help but wonder what people are saying"I was confused on what they mean "the public order decree all the rebel activity"

I have to lie because I know much of a rebellion my uncle has talk about it for a long time. Besides I was there when the situation happened."I don't know anything about it"

"Hey" melshi walks up to me "don't ever look at the number. Double, triple doesn't matter you're here til they don't want you understand? Getting out now is just a dream those days are over""

King grabs him and puts him to a wall "that's enough" he said. Then he lets him go and walks up to me "you don't walk in your sleep do you?"

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll find out"

Then I head to my cell and layed down and looked at the wall. Thinking about Cassian I hope he's okay on one of the different floor level.

We have to get out of her somehow.

30 shifts later

I start my day with the guys as we kept on working. We we're handing a struggling. While i waited I took a breath.

"Hey!" King says walking up to me "you just taking a breather?" He asked before looking at the other "come on guys you got a chance of wining the shift today be a shame to waist it"

Later on I was asleep when I heard yelling and i just found out one inmate form table three died by jumping out of his cell.

Things is going on and i hope Cassian all right.

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