Bad batch S1Ep4

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I was walking around in a city wirh a cloak around me so no body noticed who I was especially the imperials.

I was minding my own business until I felt someone bump into me I turned to see a little girl with blond hair.

"Hello little girl" I greeted wiping her off. "What are you doing here all alone?"

"Hiding" she said to me. We heard footsteps I pulled her behind me and pulled out my blaster.

A figure walking up as I pointed my gun at them. They got closer to reveal a figure I know.

"Lyric, Looks like you found my prize for me" a female voice said as she points the gun at me "give her to me"

"Fennic shand I never expected you to be in the bounty hunting business especially for a mercenary like yourself" I said smirking.

"They pay good money" she said "now give me the girl and I might let you live.

I chuckled "not the first time I heard that" I quickly grabbed the girl and stunned fennic quickly before she could shoot me. "Come one she'll wake up in a couple minutes before she wakes up" I pulled her and ran. "What's your name?" I asked the kid while still running.

"I'm omega" omega introduced herself.

"I'm y/n"

"Nice to meet you y/n"

"You too omega" then we stoped running. "It think it's fine now. Why are you here alone?"

"I'm not" omega assures me. "I got my friends here you should meet them"

All the suddden we heard a speeder bike as someone came to us "omega!"  The figure came to us.

"Hunter!" Omega said running to him.

"Sargent hunter?!" I said out loud

Hunter looks at me "commander Lyric" he said walking up to me. "Good to see you again"

"You too hunter I love to chat more but we gotta get off this planet now"

"Hop in" he said as I got on and so did omega as he ride to the ship.

I got off the speeder and went in ship as we took off.

"Lyric?!" A familiar voice called my name.

I turned and smiled "echo" I ran up and hugged him as he hugged back"I'm so glad you're all right"

"You too"

Then two more figures came it was tech and wrecker but no Crosshair. "Jedi girl"  wrecker laughs as he grabs me and hugs me and I hugged back.

"Hello wrecker, hello tech"

"Good to see you in one peice commander y/n" tech said.

Later on they realized that the bounty Hunter was after omega but unclear why. They explained to me that they know about the plot to kill the Jedi and the inhibitor chip. All but Crosshairs didn't work.

And I explained to them what has happened to me "after I got back from a mission the clones came for me and tried to kill me"

"Was there any Jedi you saw since you were on the Run?" Echo asked.

I shook my head "no, but I do believe there are some survivors. I'm sure you know of one" I looked at hunter because I know he know of one.

"A Jedi boy, his master was killed I let him escape we knew something wasn't right. Now we're trying to get away from the whoever wants us dead. " hunter explained.

I nod in agreement "I guess fate is taking us to a different direction. After thousands of years this is the first time I don't know where my path leads. Ever since I left the order after I became a cyborg I was still working with the Jedi."

"You could stay with us" omega suggests before looking at hunter "can she stay with us?"

Hunter looks at omega then me "I'm gonna let you make that decision"

I chuckled "well.... I have no where to go anyway"

"Yes" she said hugging me.

"Welcome to the team" wrecker said hugging me again.

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