Clone wars S1Ep6

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"Among our most recent losses was the battle group at falleen. The separatists group fleet commanded by general grievous has headed your way." Obi wan explain what's going on with the separatists is up to next.

" seems like that coward always knows where and when to attack us." Anakin said I nodded in agreement.

"You're heavily outnumbered anakin I advise retreat"

"If we run, the separatists will take control of this sector I can't let them do that."

"And that is your problem" kenobi said

"Master kenobi is Right" Ahsoka spoke looking at anakin "we should regroup. We don't stand a chance against—-"

"Ahsoka" anakin says her name telling her that's enough.

I sighed " suicide is not the Jedi way, anakin"

"You should listen to your partner and your padawan" obi wan says to him.

"Like you listen to yours, my old master? No we're going to stay and fight and I think I know how to beat grievous at his own game. Gamora I'm putting you in charge of the ship when I'm gone and watch over snips commander"

"Got it" I

as he leave with  his squadron I check out the screen with ahsoka by my side . "Resolute command to gold leaders we are standing by" I says to them.

"Enemy closing to zone six" I watched the enemy ships coming to them.

"What do you think will happen?" ahsoka asked me.

I looked down at her " I don't know" then out of nowhere the ship started to shake making most of us fall.

"Y/n, they're in position unveil our little suprise" anakin orders

"Right away. Rex old boy, it's time you joined the party" I told rex

"With pleasure sir" Rex respond

"Forward canon, let 'me have it" I ordered as they started fireing the enemy ships until Parton is is destroyed "Let's finish this. All batteries, target that command bucket."

"Commander general Skywalker ship was shot and he's unconscious" a trooper told me.My eyes widened in shock on what I'm hearing we have to get him back some how.

Once they brought him back to the ship Ashoka and I ran to med bay to see how he is, once we got there I saw anakin lying unconscious. I saw Rex there too. He looks at me and I look at him. "How is he?"

"You should be lucky I found him or he wouldn't be alive" he tells me.

I sighed in relief " thank you rex"  I patted his shoulder as I heard anakin groan as he wakes up.

He looks at us confused "what happened?"

"You owe rexster here you're skin sky guy" ahsoka says to anakin
Rex shakes his head "just doing my job, sir it was your plan that won the day"

"Grievous is AWOL, but his fleet of funnies is nothing but spare parts." I told him as anakin sits up.

"Good work all of you where's R2"

They told me what happened to r2 I don't know how to say this "I'm sorry anakin he's gone."

We headed back to the bridge, anakin still looks troubled by losing R2 I feel his pain. He knew R2 since he was a boy I would do the same if someone I cared about is gone.But Jedis don't do that.

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