Clone wars S4EP12

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The people of Kiros was aducted by zygrans slaver. Our mission was to travel to zygerria and get the people back from slavery.

Anakin, Obiwan, Rex ans Myself has to dress up like we're one of them as a disguise to get in.

"It looks like zygerria is a popular place these days." Anakin says sarcastically.

"Whatever is hall is attracting plenty of high class scum" I chuckled at onbi wand saying.

the lfour of us and R2 check out what's going on outside. " let's just hope the information our spies have us about the Queen is accurate." I said putting on my gloves.

"Remember" anakin spoke "I'll keep her occupied while you locate the missing people of kiros.

"How do you plan on keeping the queen occupied?" Obi was asked as we all put on our helmets.

"Well.." anakin chuckle "with my magnetic charm of course."

I groaned "why am I not supprised" I groaned as we give R2 our light sabers.

The doors open for us to get out "remind me why I'm the only girl playing the part of the slave." Ahsoka asked. She was dressed as she was all covered so no one could see her identity.

"I tried it once it wasn't any good at all." I told her "plus too much attention is the worst"

We all had to go in different groups, anakin was with ahsoka to talk to the queen and I was with obi wan and Rex to find the people of kiros. But so far we're finding lots of slaves from different species. It was sad. They didn't deserve to be this way.

"Sirs" Rex says in a wisper. "take a look at this"

Obiwan and I walked up to Rex as we saw someone from Krino "stand watch, we'll take a closer look." Obi wan orders as we jumped in. "Governor roshti!"

He looks at us in fear. I took of my helmet to let him know we're not a threat "Donne afraid we're are friends, we're Jedis here to help" I told him as he calms down.

"Where are your people?" Obiwan asked.

"They're.... they're" he didn't finish as he shuts his eyes. Obi wan picks him up as we jumped out of the hole and put him down.

"Did you find out where the others are?" Rex asked coming near us.

"Not yet" I said in a wisper "we've got to get him out of here"

Obi wan grabs a creature that could help us escape. Once we were posted by the gaurds. We got on it rex got on first, then me, the the governor, then Obiwan. We tried to escape as fast as we could.

I heard a scream as I turned to see obi wan and governer fall off. I tried to go after but Rex stops me "leave them." Then before I know it we escaped the guards.

Once Rex and I went to the nearest roof that nobody could hear us. I was pacing back and forth trying to think how to get Obiwan out.

"Y/n, we'll find him and the people of krino" Rex walks up to me and gives me a tight hug to stop me from pacing.

I sighed "I know, I'm just worried."

"Don't worry, I think I know how we'll be able to get him out." Rex points at the arena. I nodded as we ran to the arena.

We sneaked in the arena to help Obiwan get out. Once we got there, we had to split up so it's faster. Once we got to the arena I saw anakin and he noticed us in different directions. The. We heard the queen call out someone.

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