Ashoka S1 EP5

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I couldn't believe I'm seeing someone that I knew since before the clone wars ended I knew what happened to him and I was there since he died.

"Anakin you look the same" i said.

"You look old" he said.

I scoffs "well that happens. Actually what happened?"

"You lost a fight."

"I don't Remember"

"Trust me. You lost"

Then I started to remember "Baylan skoll"

"So you do remember. That's good" he walks up to me.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"It means you still have a chance"

"A chance?"

"To live"

"Tell me what's going on"

"Im here to finish your training. One yoda never gave you"

"It's a little late for that."

"One is never too old to learn y/n"

I shrugged "all right. What's the lesson?"

He takes out his lightsaber and summons it "live... or die."

I don't want to get though this again "I won't fight you"

"I've heard that before"

He attacked me as I summoned my lightsaber and blocked him and he keep on attacking me and I kept blocking him. As i kicked him in the face. Making him stop.

"Looks like you don't have much left to offer."

And i hit the ground the sudden and I looked around I was in a different place and I was younger I looked to see clones running.

"Forward!" Anakin shouts in his clone wars armour.

"Anakin" I shouted.

"Hurry up tove!"

I looked around and realize "this is the clone wars"

Anakin turns to face me "yeah no kidding"

"This was one of our first missions. Why are we here?"

"You tell me"

"I don't understand"

"That's your problem" Then I fight with the others "gotta keep up!"

"What about my training"

"This is your training" I go on to see clones dead and injured I went to one of them and held his arm as he grabs my hand in comfort. "Come on gamora. Battles not over yet. There are more separatist droids approaching. I nod as the injured clone and I let go of each other I looked down in sadness anakin noticed "is there a problem?"

I looked at him "we lost so many."

He walks up to me "there's always a price to be paid"

"It was my fault. They were following my orders I got them killed.

"This is wartove  as Jedi it's our job to lead. That doesn't mean we don't make mistakes"

"But our mistakes cost lives. That doesn't bother you?"

"Of course it does"

"This..." I looked around. "This isn't what I trained for."

"We must adjust to the times. Look when Obiwan taught me we were keepers of the peace.but now to wind this war, I have to teach you to be a soilder."

Love outranks everything (Star Wars fanfic book 1-2) Where stories live. Discover now