Acolyte S1 EP3

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Flashback episode

Sixteen years ago I remember like it was yesterday.
I was on a mission with sol, indara, torbin,kelnacca and myself went to this planet full of witches. And there SOL said he saw children there twins.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?" Indara asked.

"Yes I would tell you otherwise If i didn't" SOL said.

Indara looks at us "all right let go send a visit"We got there the witches were not pleased to See us which is understandable "good evening" indara spoke. "I am master indara and these are my colleagues sol,y/n, kelnacca and my padawan torbin"

"I am Aniseya, mother of this coven." Aniseya introduced herself "these women are under my protection"

"You're trespassing" one woman said sternly.

"Forgive our intrusion" Indara said "we thought this planet was uninhabited"

"The all-knowing Jedi were ignorant of their surroundings? I find That hard to believe" aniseya said.

"We mean you and your coven no harm"

"And yet here you are. Unannounced, Armed what do you want?"

"We are Concerned that you are training children the republic law states—"

"Bedrock is not a part of the republic"

"There are no children here" the woman Said.

"Then why do I see two little girls" I asked knowing the girls are here.

"There are no children" the woman said but more loudly.

I didn't listen "come out" I said "we won't hurt you"
Then one girl comes walk up to sol her name was osha and twin sister who name was Mae comes forth she has
a mark on her head.

"That Marking it wasn't there before" SOL said.

"You're spying on us?" The woman said.

"They want to take our children" another woman said.

"The Jedi do not take children" SOL said.

"Hold your tongue or I'll cut it out for you!"

Then SOL takes out his lightsaber but doesn't summon it but shows it to osha and it looks like she likes it. And She wants to be tested.

The women didn't like the idea but they agreed the girls will be tested.

In the morning they came so the girls would be tested.
Mae was going first as I saw osha walking around and looking at kelnacca.

I decided to walk up to her. "He seems to like you" I said to her.

Osha looks at me "you... y/n?" She asked remembering my name.

"I am" I said.

"How did you know my sister and I were behind the others you couldn't even see us."

"My eyes see everything they need to see." I smiled.
She looked at me amazed. Then puts her arm behind her back "Okay how many fingers I'm holding up?"

I chuckled "you first put up two then you changed it to five then you made a final call and put up none"

I could tell I won when she groans in defeat."what else can you do?"

"Sometimes I can see the future but it takes practice"

"OSHA you're up" Mae said as I see she finished.
OSHA leaves as I began see her future when she's trained as a Jedi. She's gonna have a good life.I see Mae walking up to me "what are you looking at Jedi?"

I didn't answer I don't like her tone with me but I have to stay calm. So I decided to change the subject "how was the test?" I asked.

"I failed" she said.

Of course she did. I leaned down "failed or lied to fail" I said as she looks at me in shock.

"We don't want to be Jedi" she said.

"Both of you or just you? "I understand you don't want to be trained as Jedi but I believe your sister thinks the opposite"

"You lie" she said.

"I'm afraid not"

Then later after the test was over osha was done and Mae looked like she was upset with her. As the two headed back home.

Then later all the sudden I started to see fire in the coven, the girls screaming in fear. I screamed in pain when it suddenly stops and I breathed heavily as SOL runs in with a concerned look on his face.

"What did you see?" He asked.

I looked at him "fire in the coven. The girls are in danger"
SOL and I to the coven to find the girls then we see the girls falling I tried to save me but failed but SOL got a chance to save osha.

"Help me" osha said.

"I got you"

We went to leaves as we see the witches dead but we still had to escape the place.

We brought osha to the ship where we brought her safely. And SOL offer to train osha as his padawan.
I thought it was very sweet of him to do that. When I started seeing something strange that I never thought would see. Her sisters future.

Mae is alive.

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