Clone wars S2EP2

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We're trying to stop this bounty hunter named bane. Ahsoka explained to me when she was on guard duty she tried to steal classified Jedi stuff. And we're trying to save a planet.

We holograms a trooper as he was shooting for his life. "General sky walker, our base had been overrun there's no possibility of evacuation. They've taken general ropal Ana the holocon memory crystal" he explains as he continues fireing.

"Do you know where they've taken them?" Anakin asked.

"Sorry sir, we tried to stop them but they left the outpost"

"Transmitter has been destroy at the source sir" the trooper said

" we have to find out what ship master ropal is in" anakin says as he looks at the window.

Ashoka and I looked at each other in confusion on what's going on.

"General, a separatist command ship is fleeing the battle" the admiral says as we looked at the screen showing the ship leaving.

"You think they have master ropal on board as a prisoner?" Ashoka asked

"I'm sure of it" I said to her.

"Admiral intercept them before they can jump to hyber space." Anakin orders "Gamora will ready the troops for boarding"

"Boarding? We have no boarding craft we were prepared to land on the planet, not to boarding another ship. You can't be serious" the admiral is in disbelief on what the plan is.

"I am admiral thank you for your opinion. No target their hyperdrive. We don't want them getting away."

Ahsoka and I head to the bridge as as saw Rex and the troops waiting for us.

"I've rounded up three brigade. Sir where are we going?" Rex asked me.

"We're going to board the separatist frigate, rescue master ropal, and recover and archive holocron" I explained.

"We have no assault craft sir. Only a couple of fighters and the twilight" he tells me as I glared at him. I can't see his face but I could tell his expression changed by his voice "waiting for orders, sir."

"And the plan is?" She asked me as I glared at her "just curious."

I didn't says anything but I sense someone from the bridge walk down to see us. It the admiral "I came down to see if I could be any help, commander y/n."

"Actually you can. Activate those walkers admiral" I pointed at three walkers.

Admiral mouth drops and looks at me "you are no thinking of using those to transport the clones to that frigate"

"Well they are pressurized" ahsoka said.

"And they're equipped with magnetic feet. Hmm good call" Rex says to me as I smiled.

"Master, you're a genius" Ashoka compliments me.

I smiled "I're the fourth person to say that"

She turns to to me with her brow raised "whose the other three?"

"Senator amidala, jar jar binks, and Rex" I faced him as I noticed him turn the other way.

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