Mandalorian S1EP4

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For a while in space and after fighting those thugs it has been fun sitting around and doing nothing. That's a lie, I played with the kid and mando didn't like it that I focus on the kid more than him he admitted that. I think he's jealous because I chose cuteness over tough guys.

But now I'm watching the child as he presses buttons. I didn't mind but it bothered mando as he told it "stop touching things." But it was being cheeky as it touches the buttons again which made the ship rattle but mando stopped it and picked the kid up and put it on his lap.

I chuckled and went up to mando "where should have some fresh air?" He asked men

I checked  the screen "let's see sorgan looks like there's no star point, no industrial centers, no population density. Real backwater skug hole." I told him

"You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months you little swamp rat?" Mando asked the kid

"If it's  a swamp rat it'll be a cut one. Wouldn't you" I did as I tickle its tummy and it giggles.

"Overall nobody's gonna find us here"

Once we land I got up as mando puts the kid down and I  explain what's gonna happen. "Listen we're gonna go out there and We're gonna look around. It shouldn't take too long."

"Now don't touch anything" mando adds "we'll find us some lodging then we'll come back for you. You stay right here. You stay. Don't understand?" It didn't answer "great, let's go Azteca"

I nodded and opened the door as it opens, we noticed the kid followed us at the door. I guess it doesn't like the idea if it staying behind.

I looked at mando and touched his shoulder. "Mando" I said his name like a beg to take it with us.

Mando sighed "oh, what the hell? Come on" he walked as I picked the kid up.

We walked into a place where people eat and hang out. We found a table and set the kid down on a small table as I sat down beside it and mando sits beside me.

A woman walk up to us I guess she's a waitress "welcome travellers can I interest our in anything?" She asked us.

"Bone broth for the little one." Mando orders

"Oh well you're in luck. I just took down a grinder there's plenty. Can I intrest you two in a porringer broth as well?"

Mando looks at me but I shook my head no then turns back to the lady "just the one"

"Very well

"That one over there when did she arrive" I asked pointing at the woman with big miss black lone hair half of it was pinned I think. But something strange is about her.

"I've seen her here last week or so" the waitress said

"What's her business here?" Mando asked

"Business? Well  there not much business in sorgan I must says" mando gives her credits for her to talk "she doesn't strike me as a log runner. Well, thank you I will get that broth to you as soon as possible, and I will flagon of spotchka just for good measure. I will be right back with that." Just as she leaves the woman was gone.

I got up to find her I noticed mando followed me when I heard him say to the waitress "keep and eye on the kid"

Once were out side we searched for her "I could have done it myself" I told mando

"I'm worried you'll get your ass kick like the day we met"

I chuckled "Mando the person who got their ass kicked the day we me was you. I was one who kicked it. And If I can kick yours I'll kick someone else's"

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