Resistance S1EP1

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I was at the station for a bit I had to get my stuff before I continue my journey to go on an adventure since everything is different. Nothing has been the same since.

Later on someone bumped into me I looked to see a boy with green jacket he looks at me "I'm sorry" he said.

"It's okay you should be more careful what you're doing" I patted his head before walking off.

"I have never seen you here before" he said catching up to me.

"I'm not from here"

"Maybe I should get to know you abit" he said.

"I'm a little too old for you"

"How old?"

"Let's just say im over thousands of years old I said sternly.

"Oh!" He said "can I at least know your name"

I stoped to face him "y/n"

"I'm Kaz" Kaz introduced himself. "I hope to see you again soon"

"Maybe see ya around"

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