Rebels S2 EP21

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The four of us went on a mission. We're in hyberspace. Ahsoka and I contacted Rex to let him know what's going on.

"Once we drop out of hyberspace, we'll
be going dark." I explained.

Rex wasn't concerned "are you sure about this?"


"Y/n, Ahsoka, you don't have to go to malachor alone. I could be there in two rotations" Rex really doesn't like the idea of doing this we knew it could be a dangerous mission but we like to take our chances.

"We're not alone rex" Ahsoka assures him.

"You know, I could have ordered you to take me along"

Ahsoka rolls her eyes."You don't exactly out rank us anymore"

"In my book, experience out ranks everything."

I chuckled at rex even I remember him saying that when we first met Ahsoka "then we definitely outrank you" I told him.

Rex smile then turns to a frown "may the force be with you?" We noded and he hangs up.

"Why is Rex so worried?" Ezra  asked "what does he know that I don't?"

"Malachor has always been off limits to jedi" Kanan explains.

"Why?" Ezra asked.

"Old legends" I answered "stories told to us as young lungs in the temple"

"There's always a bit a truth in legends" Ahsoka tells us softly.

"If malachor is off-limits, why would Master Yoda send us here?" Ezra asked in concern.

"I don't know, but I trust Master yoda. There's something here for us" I replied.

"Yeah,!/something to help us stop the inquisitors" Ezra  said. As we head down to the plan.

Chopper tells us he detected a ship but once we landed we don't see a ship anywhere. But it's gotta be around here somewhere.

"Chopper, try to get a fix on its location" Kanan tells chopper as we head to tall stones.

"What are these things?" Ezra asked curiously.

Ahsoka goes up to the stones to take a closer look "this writing...its in the old tongue."

"Can you read it?" Ezra  asked.

Ahsoka sighs"I can try it's a very old form. I can only make out a few words"

Next thing i noticed Ezra started touching the stone and the four of us fell in the ground. I got up before helping Ezra  up as the others helped themselves up we looked around to se where we are, I realized what it was.

"What is this place?"  Ezraasked.

"A. Sith temple." I answered sternly

Walked around the temple not sure what we're gonna find here but I be It's important.

"I bet whatever we're looking for is inside the temple" Ezra spoke.

"Just remember if there's a ship we're not alone down here" Kanan warns h.

"Ahsoka, you said we're here to find knowledge. What kind of knowledge?" Ezra asked.

"The forbidden kind." Ahsoka answers "to defeat your enemy, you have to understand them"

Later we looked to find stone people and lightsabers on the ground "this was a battlefield" I spoke.

"What happened here?" Ezra asked me.

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