Bad batch S2ep1

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I was walking in town getting some gadgets for tech. I went to the bar to see cid and the bad batch we're talking.

Cid noticed me "agh! There you are god-child" she said "you just missed a meeting for a mission"

"What mission?" I asked raising my brow.

"To the castle where dooku lived" wrecker said to me.

Dookus castle? What are we gonna do there?

We head to the planet the group and I got out of the maurauder.

"So where is this palace?" Asked wrecker.

"The city is on the opposite side of the mountain range." Tech said as they head off.

I looked to se omega standing there "you coming" I asked as she follows.

Then we head to the edge of the mountain to see the city destroyed.

"That's the city?" Omega asked "what happened to it"

"Imperial bombardment. Same as on kamino" echo said. As we continue on walking.

We got a closer look to see what they are up to "it appears they are beginning to transport the war chest off world" tech said. "Our window of opportunity is quickly closing."

Tech gives to the scope to echo "there's over 40 troopers down there"

Wrecker grunts "That's nothing"

"Stealth wrecker remembers?" Omega asked.

Then we looked to see ship's following a transport.

"Imperial escort ships" tech said "the standard protocol for when high level cargo is being transported." Tech said.

"You get to the nearest container and grab what you can" hunter said " I will be the eyes on the ground if things go sideways I will divert their forces and buy us some time."

And we go off the sneak in to the cargo to get supplies.

"So this is what a war chest looks like" omega said amazed.

"This is only a fraction of it but that is all we need" tech said "the priority is item of high value.

"Li ke what?"

"Anything shiny or heavy is a start" i said to her.

Omega goes up to a chest and opens it we walked up to her "I'd say that qualifies as high value" echo said.

"How could all of this belong to one person?" Omega asked.

"It is safe to assume that the majority of dookus fortune came from the many worlds he controlled or exploited all in the name of his war effort" tech said.

"That what corrupt people do" echo adds.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" Omega asked.

"Depends on how we use it" i said.

"Wrecker that one goes first" echo said as he picks up a load. And leaves. Before we noticed the doors were closing on us.

"That is concerning" tech said

Echo tries to get it open "it's exernally sealed I can't open it"

"The ships taking off get out of there" hunter said in the comm.

"Hunter we're trapped in the container we can't get out" i said.

"On our way"

The all the sudden the ship began to move and the escape pods as we know are gone Omega suggest we escape on a cargo which has reentry boosters"

"When are the ree try booster supposed to fire?" I asked.

"I think they should have by now" omega said.

"That is going to be a problem!"

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