Bad batch S1ep15

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Crosshair brought me on the shuttle with some other trooper I sat on the ground as he walks up to me.

"Where are we going" I asked him.

He picks up by comm and pressed a button on it "you'll find out soon enough and so will the squad"

"Using my comm won't work" I said "they'll know it's a trap"

"They'll soon come for you" he said.

Later Crosshair and his imperial squad took me to kamino but everything was different now I don't see any regs not kaminoans anywhere just storm troopers.

"Where are all the Clones?" I asked. Crosshair didn't answer "No kaminoans either this facility is decommissioned and you don't seem to concerned"

"Why would I be" he asked.

I stoped and looked at Crosshair "because the empire will be phasing out clones next"

He pushes me with his gun "not the ones that matter"

He took us to a room where troopers were hanging for work.

"A ship was detected entering the system but we lost them below scanner range" a trooper said.

"It's them" Crosshair said.

"I'll notify the scouts" another trooper said.

"Don't bother" said Crosshair "they'll come to us they don't leave own behind most of the time." He said taking off his helmet.

"You tried to kill them, they didn't have a choice" I told him.

"And I did?" He asked sitting down while looking at me.

I sighed "Crosshair, I've seen what the empires doing, occupying planets and silencing anyone who stands against the. You know it's not right"

"You're just like Hunter you don't see the bigger picture" he stands up and walks up to me "but you will"

"Can't you see they're using you? It's that inhibitor chip in your head it's making you follow--" I couldn't finish with an alarm going off.

"We have an unauthorized entry on platform 5" the troopers said.

"Right on schedule" Crosshair sighed "time to go" he grabs my arm and pulls me to the training room.

As we were in the training area.Then I saw the boys but omega here to save me but they didn't know they ran to a trap "and here we are, together again. You won't be needing your weapons"I nod at the guys as they dropped their weapons "see? Following orders isn't so difficult. Where's your little sidekick?"

"You think we'd bring you here?" Wrecker chuckled "we're smarter than that."

"Lying was never your strength wrecker" Crosshair said as he turns to his imperial troops "find the kid."

One of his troopers left to find omega. While others stayed " we're running out of time commander" one of them said.

"Hold your positions" he orders the.

"Do this was your grand plan? Take Lyric hostage to Bring us here and kill us?" Hunter asked Crosshair.

"If I wanted you dead you would be. Not that it wouldn't be justified" he said."you betrayed everything we stood for and for what? The republic?"

"We're loyal to each other, not some empire"

"You weren't loyal to me." He said.
"I was one of you, you may have forgotten but I haven't and that's why I'm going to give you what you never gave me: a chance"

We heard a need "sir I've found the girl"

"Send her on a shuttle off-world" he orders his trooper.

"Crosshair don't" I said.

"It's for her own good"

"Omega belongs with us " hunter told him.

"Living among fugitivess where she's in constant danger. Stop pretending to be something you're not we're not like the Regs we never have been. We're superior. The empire can't protect the galaxy without strength this is what we were made for. Think of all we could do together" he uncuffs me.

"Why would we trust you?" I asked him in suspicion.

He points his gun at me "stand down" he orders his troops.

"Negative commander" his troops disobeyed pointing their guns at us.

Than I noticed all the troopers was shot and killed I turn to Crosshair who was taking off his helmet "does that answer your question? You all are meant for more than drifting through the galaxy. It's time to stop running. Join the empire and you will have purpose again" he said.

"you really don't get who we are do you?"

"Don't make the same mistake twice." Crosshair said sternly "don't become my enemy"

"Crosshair, we never were." I assured.

We heard an alarm go off as we saw droids.

I used my lightsabers and fought the droid by blocking their aim as the guys including Crosshair was fireing at them.

Once the spuds were destroyed I looked at Crosshair who was not facing us until hunter pointed his gun at him.

"Crosshair, forget the empire"he said "this isn't you it's your inhibitor chip we can halo you"

Crosshair shook his head "wrong. I had my chip removed a long time ago"

He what?! "Since when?"

"Does it matter?"


"This is who I am" and before he could shoot me I shot him unconscious.

I walked up to hunter and hugged him as he hugged back Then Omega ran up to me and hugged me as I hugged her back.

"sorry omega" I apologize"I know I promise youwould never have to come back here."

"You'd do the same for me" she said.

put my lightsabers away and Kelt to Crosshair unconscious for and looked at his head. It doesn't look like what he said it was it was strange.

"three venator are descending on the city we have to leave now" tech said to me.

I nod and grabbed Crosshair rifle "hunter grab Crosshairs pack, wrecker grab Crosshair he's coming with us".

We ran in the halls to get out of here's but we heard rumblings sound like they're already firing at the city. We went outside to see they were fireing at the city.

"Y/n" omega said holding on to me "what do we do?"

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