Clone wars S2EP3

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Here's a little recap on what happened. Ahsoka and I were on a mission to save master ropal and get  the he holocron. Found ropal dead, ahsoka gets captured, I saved Ashoka by opening the holocron. When we got to the ship bane was dead but I still felt him. Now your caught up now let's continue.

"So what now?" Ahsoka asked.

"We get the injured to the medics bay" I told her.

"Commander," rex calls "there's something I think you need to see."

I walked up to Rex and the troopers to the ship , when I entered I saw something green on the floor. I crouched to take a look "it's bliss sir. And it sure isn't from any of our men"

My eyes widened as realize who it was "bane"  I ran off the ship and see ahsoka getting kicked by nan as he runs and I chase him. But he flys the ship. He's not getting away this time. "Admiral lock down they hyberpace rings hurry"  I ordered him.

"What could possibly have happened since I last spoke to you?"

"It's bane lock those rings now" I order before they could lock them down he's gone into hyber space. "We'll have to inform the council"

Anakin and I went to the council, I explained to them that bane cane  to the ship in a disguise as a trooper then bane escaped from my hands.

"It is most unfortunate bane was allowed to escape again" obi wan said suprised.

"With access to the names and location of the most force sensitive children in the republic" master windu adds.

"Inflict devastating damages on the Jedi order he could." Yoda says.

"We've discovered Banes working with the separatists" anakin tells them and I nod in agreement.

"There are thousands of children on that list which will he go after first?" Obi wan asked yoda.

"Small chance there is, through the force the council my detect them."

Later yoda, windu, obiwan, anakin and I we're together and used the force to find out where bane is going.

"Mmm. A jungle world" yoda said. "Dome cities I see. Rod is it is"

"A house in kay top square." Obi wan said "yes I see it too"

"There's an ocean planet,home to nautolans, glee anselm?" Windu asked

"Glee anselm I see not"

"I sense a place I've e never been to before" I said "waterfalls naboo

"Jan-Gwa" anakin said "a village, southern sector the sense is strong"

Then it starts to get worse "the gungan child was screaming" I opened my eyes and looked at

"The future you see. Young wise. To naboo you and skywalker must go. Cad ban you will find."

"You are certain there is no child on glee anselm?" Windu asked yoda.

"Into the shadow of the dark side taken the child was shrouded is his fate from us. Great the lost is bu more children in danger there are."

"I shall leave for rodia immediately" obiwan suggest.

"Find more younglings we will."

We land on a planet where we would meet up with some people that could help us.

Once  anakin and i got of the ship we saw three people walking in front of us.

"General skywalker, they told us you were coming."

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