Clone wars S1EP5

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We were flying in space I was sitting beside Rex and he flys the ship and Cody was behind us trying to contact the outpost for inspection.

"Rishi outpost, this is commander Cody. Do you copy" no response "rishi outpost,pleas respond. Rishi our post come in."

Then they hailed us "sorry commander. We're, um experiencing technical difficulties."

"This is the inspection team"

"Inspection? Negative, negative we, Uh, not require an inspection. Everything is fine here thank you." This trooper sound very nervous.

"We'll be the judge of that. Prepare for our arrival."

"Roger, roger" then they hang up.

I blinked for a second "roger, roger?" I looked at Rex as he looks at me he's also concerned.

"Somethings not right here." Rex said

""Well, good luck I'm putting you in charge on this one" Cody tells him with a smirk.

we begin to land in the outpost.We got out of the ship.once we were outside it was all quiet and where is everyone?

"This is not good" cody said looking around "I don't see the deck officer anywhere"

"These boys are sloppy" I heard Rex say like he's unimpressed.

"I don't understand there should always be an officer in duty" I said in concern.

We saw the shuttle door open, I see a trooper walking with a a weapon and... walking very strange too.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Rex said as we walked towards him.

"Welcome to Rishi commander. As you can see, the output is operating at peak efficiency. Thank you for visiting, and have a safe trip back"

Rex Cody amd I looked at each other then back at the trooper Cody spoke "we need to inspect the base just the same"

We walked towards the base but the trooper stops us "Uh, there's no need everything is fine and fully operational."

"Take us to the Sargent in command" demanded Rex I could tell he was getting frustrated by this"

"Roger, roger"

Then we saw a light it was a droid attack flair before I know it rex shoots the troopers "REX" I shouted "what the heck are you doing?"

He walks up to the body and kneels "relax" he pulls off the helmet revealing a droid "just as I thought. Looks like one of those new commando droids."

"That flare must have come from the survivors" Cody said.

Then out of nowhere there were more droids firing at us. I summoned my light saber at block out where they shoot me.

"Those clankers have a tough armour."

We hide to a nearest box we could find I looked to see that they have grenades "clear pathway" I ordered them.

"Copy that"

After we jumpe We looked up and saw and explosion.

"well that sure complicates things No worse than that time on tibrin" rex said lookin at the fire I could have swarn I saw something.

"We had Jedi with us on tibrin and I remember though y/was there they and the others helped" Cody said I raised myhand lettin them know to not move as I saw three figures walking towards us from the smoke.

Rex raised his blaster "hands above your head, take your sun bonnets off" rex ordered as they put their hands up"

"Uh...sir?" One of them said in confusion.

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