Acolyte s1 ep6

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Once we head to the ship and we started flying off I was doing something osha was piloting the ship. I find sol alone and trying to do Something. But he looked upset he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Later I walked up to find him sitting alone I was getting worried on what's happening. "SOL? What is it?" I asked.

"How could we not have sensed that villain's true intentions when we first met him on olega?" He asked.

"I think when you really want something,it Can cloud your mind you see what you wanna see. He fooled us all"I said sitting beside him.

He looks at me "She found him. OSHAS pip droid. I noticed how she takes care of him, talk to him, love him. Even though he's a machine" he stands up.
I did do "you know she's always been like that. Even when she was little"

"I know."

Then I thought about the past and I had no other choice but to tell him.

"SOL" I said his name as he looks at me "i should have told you..."

"Told me what?" He asked.

"I knew Mae was alive and i didn't tell you or anyone...
I know it was selfish of me to do that.. but when I looked into her future I saw what she has become. Now she's like this because of me it's all my fault"

Sol did nothing at the moment but then pulls me to him to hug Him as I hug back.

"It was both our faults. But at least we have each other." he said as he looks at my eyes then leans forward and presses his lip on mine.

He was kissing me and I was kissing back but I pulled him close to me to make the kiss deeper. Once we pulled away we were breathing heavily.

"So I guess we have felt this way about each other for along" I chuckled.

"We do." He smiled as he kissed my forehead "come one we have something to do with me"

I looked at him in confusion "wait Mae?"

"Mae was on the ship impersonating her sister. So we're gonna find Mae and the villan but first we're gonna tell Mae what happened.

We stunned Mae and tied her up and we decided to tell her the truth on what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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