Clone wars S1EP13

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We were on a mission to aid Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, whose in trouble by the senatists. Anakin, ahsoka and Myself were adding this mission.

We were out to save her. We see flying droid boarding Aylas ship. And a clanker got on our cruise trying to take out our pilot

"Take care of that clanker "I'll be on board Aayla cruiser" anakin tells us ahsoka and I look at him in confusion.

"Master" ahsoka said "are you sure that's the wisest thing—-" she couldn't finish as anakin jumps.

"I guess it is to him" I told her as the pilot jumps in the ship safety.

The ship stats to fall I know were we're gonna crash ahsoka and I held on to something so we don't crash.

"Hey kid" I head Rex say.

I turned to him "I know, I know. We're hanging on."

Once we crashed we immediately got out the troopers were shooting as for ahsoka and I we sliced every droid we could find sky walking and Aayla as we continued fighting.

"How do you plan to get us out of this mess?"!Aalya asked fighting the droids.

"Well, I have a ship ducking in the lower hanger as we speak" he responds We ran until Ashoka find a door and open it as we ran to the ship. "It s too late"

We turned to see what anakin Is doing we saw the fire as anakin pushes us by using the force. As the door closes ahsoka uses her lightsaber to make a whole as she pulls anakin and I helped hers

"We have to get out of here" I  told her as I picked up anakin bridal style to med bay. We lay him down as the medical droid works on him. I looked to ahsoka she was worried about her master.

I put my hand on her shoulder for a second letting her know I'm leaving her alone, that's what she might want.

I walked down the hall, I don't even know what to do so I decided I'd be on my way to the bridge.

I got to the bridge ahsoka got to the pilot seat . Shetried to press buttons but they wouldn't work.

Commander blur hit the transmitter in frustration "it's no use, the navigation computers completely fried."

"Shut down all power circuits to reset the coordinates." Aayla orders.

"But that will cut off anakins life support" ahsoka says.

"I don't like it more than you do, but it's a risk we're gonna have to take."

She did what She was told "We're switching off primary power units"

"Cutting it awfully close" I heard rex say.

"Ready to shut off auxiliary power" I told her.

Ashoka turned to face us " on three" thy all nodded telling me they're ready "one,two, three" then i shut it down until we were out of hyper space and we stoped near the star.

"We're out of hyperspace resumes all power"Before I could switch it back on Rex's handle broke off as he bumps into me and no we're floating. "Switch the power back on what are you waiting for."

The switch was too far away for me to pull so I use my force power to switch it back on as Rex Aayla and my self fell.

We got back up noticed were pass the star "well, we're not going crash in tho the star but we're definitely gonna hit that planet" ahsoka tells us as we hit the planets atmosphere and crash.

The ship was about to explode Ashoka and Aayla went to grab anakin as for me and the others.

We decide to make camp and figure out how to make anakin feel better without support. Ahsoka and I went so see how he's doing.

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