Rebels S2Ep20

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The rebels finally found a base to set back and relax thanks to rex. The ghost crew and I went to go down their.

We head down where we met mup with Rex "the site doesn't look like much, I'll admit. The good news is our scouts found fresh water source, deep underground" he said.

"We're placing sensor markers around the perimeter. We'll know if anyone drops by unannounced" Sabine adds.

"This planet my be hot, dry and unpleasant. But at least there's nothing trying to kill us."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you because every time someone says that someone goes missing." I warned him.

Later Rex and Sabine we're off to find a missing pilot and the ghost crew and I went to ckeck on them. But we see spider crawling away when we fire at them.

When we landed to see Sabine but no Rex "where's Rex?" I asked in worry.

"Those creatures took him" Sabine explains "I think they go deiser too."

"Chopper locate Rex's position" Hera orders as chopper locals where he is.

"He says this way" I translated as we ran to find him we went in the the cave it was dark but I took out my lightsaber for light "stay shape and stick together"

"They have tough armour. Aim for the eyes." Sabine tells us.

We looked for a while and still no sign "we need to split up." I suggest "Ezra go with Kanan. Sabine, Hera, Zeb with me"

We split up as we looked in the cave to see eggs "are those eggs?" Sabine asked in disgust.

"I could really use a hand I've here" I heard Rex's voice as we looked up to see him in a cage looking thin. We ran up to him to see how we can get him out.I met the neighbors. I don't care for 'em"

We got him down I ran up to put my arm around him "you okay?" I asked him.

He smiles "I am now that you're here"

Then I heard Zeb groan "okay love birds, we're trying to get out of here"

We ran and I used my lightsaber to cut the creature to make a path then I see Kanan and Ezra helping me as we get out of the cave to the ship. We got all the spiders we could to get away from us as we took off.

"Guess we should inform commander sato our site might not work out." Rex suggests.
" no" Hera replied "it took everything we had to find this place I'm not gonna give up." She tell us.

We got to the base. Ahsoka and Jaylah came to the base telling us that we and Kanan and Ezra have a mission. I looked around to see everything okay. Then I heard footsteps to see Ahsoka.

"Hey!" I waved.

"I see the base is coming along nicely" she said looking impressed.

"Yeah," Ezra ssaid walking up to us "these creatures almost ruined it. No matter what I do I can't seem to connect with them" he said looking at the creatures.

"In my experience, just when. You think you understand the force, you find out how little you actually know" I explained to him.

"We should get going" Ahsoka Tells is as we get ready to leave.

This will be an adventure.

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