Mandalorian S2Ep5

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We finally land on Corvus the forest planet. We got out to see creatures form a distance.

We heard a cop din and I turned to see the child with a ball peice he likes to play with.

"What did I say about that?" Din asked taking it from him "this needs to stay here.I picked up the child then sensed something something I haven't felt before."You okay?"

I shook and looked at din "yeah" I said giving him the kid "I think I'm gonna look around the area you head to town. And take the child I'll be fine"

Din nods "you be careful, babe" then he walks with the child.

I go a different direction. I searched in the forest trying to search for what I'm sensing. It's been while of my searching until I decided to give up.

When I turned to see a figure attack me with their lightsabers I blocked theirs with mine immediately as we began fighting.

It's been a bit as I stoped her she was a torguga Jedi her lightsabers were white like mine.

"Ahsoka it's me y/n" I spoke as she put down her lightsabers.

"Y/n?" She said in shock "it's been a while my friend how'd you find me?"

"I have been sent her by bo katan and long with  a mandolorian friend of mine we need to talk"

"I hope it's about you and him" Ahsoka said looking at something behind me I turned and saw din pointing his blaster at her but slowly puts it down and walks to the child. Then looks at me and picks the child up. "I assume you have questions I'll be glad to answer " she.


Ahsoka and I had our talk for a while once we we're done we walked towards Din and sat down and the baby babbles.

"Is he speaking?" Din asked "do you understand him?"

"In a way" Ahsoka answered "grogu and I can feel each other's thoughts"

"Grogu?" I asked as the kid looks at me like I'm calling him that.

"Yes. That's his name. He was raised at the Jedi temple in corusant." She explained "many master trained him over the years at the end of the clone wars when the empire rose to power he was hidden. Someone took him from the temple. Then his memory became... dark.  He seemed lost. Alone"

I felt sorry for grogu it must've been really hard for him. He's exactly like me. We both lived alone an never know about our true selves. We had a strong connection it's similar.

"Was there any other being  like him?" I asked.

"I've only know one other being like this." She replied "a wise Jedi master named yoda." She chuckled and then looked at din "can they still wield the force"

"You mean Their powers" din tries to correct her.

"Din" i spoke the force is what gave us our powers."

Then Ahsoka spoke again "it is an engergy feild created by all living thing to wield it takes a great deal of training and disapline."

"I've seen them do things I can't explain. I was tasked to bring him to the Jedi.

I noticed she frowned "the Jedi order fell a long time ago"

"So did the. Empire. Yet it still hunts him and me too" I spoke "we need your help"

She sighed then nods "I'll test you both in the morning.

In the morning we were pre prepared to test us.

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