Clone warsS1EP19

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I'm so excited because for the first time in forever. I mean my life that I get to command a squadron. I hope it goes well.

I got on my ship as they gave me a green droid known as R7 who looks a little nervous. "This is my first time commanding a squadron, R7. Let's make a good impression." R7 beeps ast me asking me if I'm nervous "of course I'm not nervous."

"Hey y/n" I turned to see anakin and ahsoka walking towards me. "this is it, you're first command, don't be nervous" she teases.

I rolled my eyes "I wish everyone would stop saying that"

"The men you're commanding are depending on you with their lives" anakin tells me with support.

"Thanks. That takes the pressure of. If I wasn't nervous before, I sure am now" I don't want to fail anyone not even as a leader this is the most important job I can't screw up.

"We have faith in you" ahsoka said

"I wouldn't send you out there if I didn't think you could handle it. May the force be with you" he tells me as they both leave me.

"I won't let you down" I wire the ship as it floats "okay, you boys ready?"

"This is two— axe. Ready when you are skipper."

"Ready on three. This is slammer over"

"Ready on four. Kickback checking in, over"

"Swoop to blue leader group two standing by over."

"Tucker on five. Waiting for mother bird over"

Then off we go on our first mission with me leading it.

"Commander your all clear"

"Thank you admiral, keep the cruisers back until we've softened them up" I ordered admiral the I look to R7 "well R7 are you ready for some action?" It beeps telling me it's ready "ax, keep your squadron back and wait for my signal."

"You got it boss"

"Here we go" I saw the droid shooting at us. "All right, boy let's clear a path"

"Right away sir"

"Pick your targets" I order as i shoot some droids ships "we've got their fighters occupied. Ax time for us to make a run for the battleship" I ordered.

"Come one, you winners. Let's get dirty."

I like the confidence in these men we go to the ship ready to destroy it once and for all.

"Commander, we've been caught in the trap" the admiral warns me. But I don't believe him.

"You're overreacting admiral I can get us through. Blue squadron, stay on course."

"We're all set, blue leader."

"I'm ordering you to return to the ship. We need your help" the admiral tells me.

"Gamora, it's too risky, get your pilots out of there" anakin order

I didn't listen to him I stayed on course and continued what we're doing "ax's, are you there? Come on, boys, stay in formation."

"I've got two on my tail. I can't shake them"

"Y/nwe are in trouble. I order you to come back here" anakin tells me again.

"All right all right. Let's go squad pull back to command ship."

"Why are we retreating?" The trooper asked me.

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